Saving Yuna

"Can you see it now? That is the importance and the terror of mana if you don't indulge yourself in it. And even if you don't want to indulge your life in mana-based magic, be sure that you don't imitate magic with your measly cultivation."

As Lucas always said about magic being at the top, Yuna seemed to ignore it as she was just holding on to her life. She was panting nonstop with blood covering her whole limbs. Some blood was continuing to drop as every second passed, and Lucas was slashing Yuna's body.

Yuna's eyes were raised to see Lucas, but what it could only look like was agony. She was suffering from the weakening of her lungs and blood loss. What Lucas was doing was just watching Yuna suffer.

"What? What are you trying to look at?"

Yuna tried to smile as she forced herself to speak, but all she could do was cough up blood and spit some along the way.