Port Ling

As the time of the training for the battalion of Camp Xie continued, Gabriel kept his concentration on trying to break through another understanding of the Shadow Movement Technique. He had tried plenty of times, but he was still stuck on the part where he summoned a shadow.

"Shadow!" Gabriel mumbled and concentrated on having his will overshadowed by the shadow. His eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration, and after a few seconds, his own shadow moved and his toes slightly blended with the shadow. However, after a few seconds, he suddenly felt a snap reaction from his toes, making him pull it out.

"Ouch..." It turned out to be a lingering pain from earlier that had been triggered. And as soon as he felt that there was no other way to add his understanding of the technique, he stopped.

"Probably, for now, I should focus on the training of the battalion," Gabriel mumbled and started flying.