Descent of the Monsters

"Just where the fuck these two monsters came from...?" A blurred voice came out of Lin Jinhai as he watched Quatro step on Min Lao. Laying down with grave injuries, as well as fighting for his life in panting, he could only watch Min Lao die from Quatro's doing.

Lin Jinhai was aware that he had underestimated Quatro, believing that five General Spirit Realm cultivators would be sufficient to defeat two monsters.

"You ask where we come from?" Quatro mumbled, then looked at Lin Jinhai with a ridiculing gaze. "You will die for it since you didn't have a proper inspection of the land that you targeted."


Lin Jinhai was crushed into a pulp as Quatro returned to his monster form. After killing three infiltrators, he looked in the direction of Pilitro, realizing he had completed his mission. And surprisingly, Pilitro was already done with his part.