Failed Invasion

TCH appeared to have been executed in full view of everyone. TCH's life presence became hazy shortly after Quatro hit him with that powerful laser. Quatro could still see the small life he was clinging to, and he would not, under any circumstances, let him live.

Despite his gigantic look, Quatro displayed it to everyone, including the soldiers by his side. They could just talk about it, but there was nothing to be concerned about their conduct. After all, it didn't matter what he looked like; it was all about what he did.

Quatro's demeanor grew tired, and he appeared disinterested in the situation. And he could see TCH gasping hopelessly as he descended next on his side.

"What a shame... You were too full of yourself in this invasion, yet your land was not capable of defeating any of Master's familiars. He is the standard of power, so you must learn how to surpass it. But anyway, this will be your end." Quatro mumbled, then turned back into his human form.