Light and Darkness [1]

The flow of reality was a crucial issue to address, and no one in this world could control it. No one, not even the Divine Emperor, the Ruler of the Four Heavens, could order one's life. Such a thing was unthinkable. That was why no one, not even the two overseers of the Four Heavens, thought of it. However, The Author, also known as the God of Reality from Encanta, attempted to play with the lives of individuals in the Four Heavens, which changed the concept.

The Author arrived roughly 20 thousand years ago before the cultivation world even existed. Encanta was already an old world filled with gods who got tired of it, abandoned it, even with the last of their life essence, called mana.

And when The Author arrived, she set up her reality, which resembled the reality in this world and the reality in Encanta.