Commotion of the New General

The short-time training continued for Lucas and Ji An. They'd both honed their skills with shadows and words. Lucas had broken down the details of the "Combination of Martial and Words." As Lucas had learned how to attack someone emotionally with words, Ji An had learned how to create his own martial techniques.

Ji An created the spear technique with Lucas's guidance, and as that happened, Lucas taught Ji An how to flow the words with martial techniques.

"It's funny how I am better than you in word technique. You will be the one who will be teaching me how to combine words and martial arts." Ji An scoffed as he put forward his notion. Lucas then joined him and snorted.

"Well, I have a better understanding despite the fact that I am not talented at it. I can be a master in terms of technique, but not in terms of performance, because I lack the necessary talent. But, I can see that application in you since you have both talent and mastery."