First City [1]

A moment of silence had hit the room where Lucas and his company were inside. He was only sitting on one chair while the other four were busy with their own business going on. On the other hand, it seemed that Brian's business was to contemplate. 

The room they got was the most expensive one and the widest in the inn that they booked. Since Glassera and Beatrix were both females, they should be in different rooms, but they insisted on joining them in one room.

Since there was no problem with having them in one room, Lucas didn't insist on them having a different room. He had no space for lustful pleasures.

"Brian, what did you talk about with those men? Did you finally have an idea of what you would do? It looks like your father wanted you to go back to your home."

"I don't know, Senior Brother. I don't feel like going back to White Lead immediately. I can still feel the disgust that I felt in that place."