
"You are really different when you are drunk."

"Who cares? By the way, speaking about being drunk, do you think the person you mentioned to me who was trying to peek into my cultivation was from White Lead?" Endu asked, immediately changing the atmosphere around the two of them.

Kronus then tilted his head and gave it a thought. He recalled everything he saw that day as if creating an image of it in his head. But, as he reached the dead end, he stopped and shook his head.

"I can't say that man was from White Lead. He didn't give me the vibe of it. Or maybe he just acted as if he is not from White Lead." Kronus suggested.

"It could be the reason… But, what if he was one? Do you think he was following us?" 

"I don't think so. At least that man looked less suspicious at that time, and he did not put any effort into watching us the next day after you got drunk."