Potential Brian Has [2]

Del paused and only gave Jake a stare. His eyebrows were slightly raised, and behind them was a question being blocked by his inferiority.

"I didn't really see that he was good at anything. I feel like I underestimated him."

"You did. And now, things are coming to light, and Brian will be the successor, the thing that he wanted."

Del let out a sigh and went back to watch the performance Brian was making. He could only stare at him again without making any sound. He still couldn't believe it. Coming from Jake, who he now thought of highly since the disparity between their systems was huge, talking about Brian's talent was a thing to be mentioned and not to be ignored.

'Since he had assessed young master Brian like that, does that mean that his ability is also something not to be ignored? There was still a little suspicion in me of him, and I wanted it to disappear so that we could have a healthy discussion in the future, without me underestimating him.'