Expedition [1]

"You are eating noodles? What kind of meat is in there?" Brian asked, pushing slightly towards Jake's seat to peek at the bowl of noodles Jake was eating.

On the inside of Brian's house, just a normal day for them, Brian returned from casual training, and what greeted him when he came back was Jake eating noodles from a somewhat expensive restaurant. And by the looks of it, it came from a reputable restaurant owned by a well-known family.

"Where did you buy it?"

"Hm?" Slurp! "I didn't buy it. It was given to me by a kind old lady. I was just passing by a restaurant, and when she saw me, she said she knew me. But she just called me by some other name, "Kulas." She offered me noodles, and I just accepted it."

"What?" Brian paused with the face of a person who couldn't believe what he just heard. "You exploited the misunderstanding."

"Hm...? It was not harmful. I just accepted grace. Do you want to taste it?"