Eleven Elders [2]

Everybody was baffled. With just a mere flick, Lucas erased the beam of light out of existence. They thought that Lucas was good as dead, but it turned out that he was able to withstand it with ease.

They were petrified, especially the Ninth Elder, who released that attack. He was frozen in his position. In his eyes, Lucas became a huge predator with glaring eyes looking down on him. Every breath sent him chills down his spine, making him quiver at each second that passed.

"W-What just happened...?"

Lucas slowly stepped forward and approached the Ninth Elder, who was now silent. He then proceeded with having a smug face, then lowered his stance as he removed the dirt on the Ninth Elder's robe.

"You have something..."

Lucas then noticed that they were all discombobulated, an indication that he could now enter for his cause. He then smirked and approached the First Elder, who was also frozen in his seat.