Q&A (Spoilers).

This is not a chapter of the fic, its just a normal interaction with you. I will be answering some of the most asked questions related to the story, from the readers.

*Q. Why didn't you killed Muscular with a sniper or used a gun?

---Answer: I can give a lot of excuses like public was there, gun laws etc. but the main reason is that I want him alive, as I want Muscular in the future chapters. So the didn't killed Muscular, but gave him his signature scar on his face and destroyed his left eye.

---Opinions from Readers: (Ansura) - Logically it was correct choice not to use guns and snipers on muscular, though he should have hid his face to be unidentifiable when muscular comes for revenge but since he lives in that area anyways it would be quite easy to find out who he is based on his body type, age and gender.

*Q. Why the police and heroes didn't questioned him more, as he is a quirkless guy who defeated a villain?

---Answer: I didn't wanted to stretch the chapter, and it would've been difficult for me to make a reason for MC to dodge the questions from the HPSC. I know it is a bit difficult to believe he got out of the situation without any interrogation or something.

---Opinions from Readers: (Ansura) - In MHA there are couple of people who are able to perform quite super-human abilities without quirks, Eg: Aizawa and Stain, Aizawa fought and defeated dozens thugs in short time frame and survived against Nomu (though barely) which was bio-engineered to physically fight against All Might and Stain took down multiple Heroes which in itself is quite difficult feat. So it is possible in that world to surpass general physical capabilities in our world with just Extensive training. So Mc could have passed off just as a skilled Martial Artist

*Q. Why MC decided to help Toshinori train Izuku? He could've minded his own business and let Izuku be as he is in the anime.

---Answer: I don't know how to answer this. I just wanted MC to interact with the two core characters of the anime and about the training, I thought it would be a good idea Izuku being a bit stronger than it is shown in the anime.

---Opinion: (Ansura) - Stronger Izuku means bigger Meatshield and a better distractions for villains to focus on, hence comparatively making Mc's life easier. Even if he didn't do it for selfish reason, it is better to keep Izuku alive since he already has a big target on his back from AFO due to having OFA.

*Q. Why Endeavor is not showing his angry and hot-tempered behavior? Why did he didn't used his flames in the fight against MC?

---Answer: It is a mistake on my part, I admit. I used the changed Endeavor(When he became No.1 Hero and wanted to be a good husband for Rei and a good father for his kids)

---Opinion: (Ansura) - It wouldn't make much sense for Ranked 2 hero to fight a civilian while using his Quirk, it would be quite insulting in fact, He also would have his pride as No.2 Hero. So it is understandable that he didn't use his fire because he would have appeared weak in front of his Children. Although his Ego might have pushed him for rematch against Mc. This is already AU-MHA-Verse author, this is your version of MHA so there can be a bit of changes in personality here and there.

(Exceedx) - nah is good, we can just chalk it up to being AU.

(SRJ_facts) - no need to rewrite that part. After all he was proved wrong on his quirk supremacy theory and utterly dominated by 'quirkless' person

*Q. Why MC has a Hero-complex?

---Answer: It is what it is. MC was like that in the beginning, when the readers started pointing out his hero-complex, I thought it will be a good character development for the MC if he overcame a setback and grow. The setback was the death of Eri in Chapter 23. I intended to the plot to be like:

Eri's Death-> Captured by the HPSC (MC's state of mind not being right and All Might helping in arrest)-> Fuyumi leaving him for being a cold-blooded murderer (presented by the HPSC)-> Literally the lowest point he could fall down to. ->Meeting Lady Nagant ->.... (No Serene can be found, only Opposite of Serene can be seen)

But the hate I received just in a few hours after publishing chapter 23, made me write chapter 24 in a short period, which contained the dream part. And this led to the change of the entire plot of the fic.

---Opinion: (DarkSlayer) - Couldn't help it since Eri is everyone favorite character. To have such development along with failure in relationships giving a lot of bitter taste. And no doubt that most readers who read it will not able to have a good night sleep, especially ME.

(Ansura) - I actually dont mind this type of heroism, he atleast eliminates his enemies and doesn't follow that stupid no-kill rule. He is cleaning the streets and doing it efficiently. Most MHA fics dont actually add anything to the fics, they just become side-characters, they just want to play heroes and make friends. While that isnt wrong in itself, they dont comprehend the weight of a job of being Hero, its making society safer to live. Izuku is an idealist, he wont make an efficient hero with his no-kill rule on long term, eventually they will all gang up together in prison make prison break and attack his loved ones or when he is unaware. And Mc's has GTA-San Andreas system, like they say "to a guy with hammer everything else looks like nail" or something like that, He has combat oriented system and has combat skills and weapons. I doubt.

*Q. Why didn't you introduced the Save/Load function from the game instead of the 'dream' logic? It would've been easy for you clear all the mistakes you made in the past?

---Answer: I didn't wanted to introduce that, as it would've made the MC somewhat Super OP. No need to worry about anything. Made a mistake, load the previous save file. I think that would make me stuck at some point on how to proceed the story and ultimately, dropping the Fic.

---Opinion: (DarkSlayer) - Indeed, that function is like double edge sword. Mc will always have doubt about his actions which what will happen if do this and that. Then he will start to thought that the world can just be destroy since he can re-Load back before it happened.

(Ansura) - There wouldnt be any weight in his decisions because of that, it would taken away abit of thrill and adventure in the fic.

*Q. Why do you have to give Fuyumi a system?

---Answer: The System was never meant to play a vital role in the story, but the aftermath of the System on Fuyumi is important. I wanted Fuyumi to be a part of story, not just a support character, who enters the chapter just to make MC feel good or morally support him. Now, you have seen the change in Fuyumi, expect more of her in the future chapters.

---Opinion: (LazyPanda69) - you didnt need to give a system to her to make her important. there was tons of things you could have done but you gave her a system.

(SKCSKC) - She has a freakin ice quirk. Just expand on that and make her OP if you want to give her a better role. Don't just pull out a random system out of your a** and ruin it. And if you wanna make her character a snooping yandere, then just make it so, no need to use the "system" to force it.

:: It is not a question, but I wanted to tell this. The names of variations of Super Punches are Greek Mythology related, if you haven't noticed, except Super Punch 100% ::

If you have any suggestions or any questions, ask in the chapter comments, as sometimes the Paragraph comments are getting deleted for some reason.

*Q. "You made some bad plot choices. Try to reduce this a bit."

--- Answer: Yes, I made some really bad plot choices like Eri's death, Fuyumi getting a system. You already know what I wanted to do continue with Eri's death. If you don't know, read auxiliary chapter Q&A.

About Fuyumi's System, I wanted her to investigate things about Shido on her own, which would've led her to investigate the 'Two-Explosion Incident' of Hosu city and eventually, there would've been a clash between Night Slash and Blizzard (Fuyumi's alias, if she continued to investigate him behind the scenes) and the drama would've continued till Fuyumi finds Shido's secret. Fuyumi's new behavior would've motivated her to do so.

But Fuyumi's system idea was rejected by the readers, so I made it a 'Nutrient' to be absorbed by Shido's System. (Chapter 41 - Assimilation and Reveal) and now Fuyumi shows a different behavior or personality than the canon Fuyumi.

*Q. "The plot of the fic is confusing. What does the MC wants to do?"

--- Answer: Shido in the initial chapter decided some goals to accomplish, in which Eri's rescue was one of the many goals he set. He achieved that goal and successfully rescued Eri but he is now being chased by the aftereffects of that rescue. Being investigated by the HPSC and now Endeavor launching a crusade against Shido.

So he is currently busy dealing with all this thing, and he likes doing his Vigilante work. To spread Justice or just using GTA System to kill some mobs and spread Justice at the same time, to spice up his otherwise normal life. Whatever reason you like, it motivates him to do the Vigilante work.