LIN return attacked at tang san but this time tang san was not defending but attacking. Tang san was throwing punches at LIN but not using his full force. LIN was not able to fight back and only defending until he lose.

LIN was full covered in sweat and some bruises all over his body. Tang san also had some sweat on his forehead.

LIN was resting on ground and tang san was searching for medicine.

After some time, tang san was applying medicine on LIN. After applying medicine LIN said, " okay tang san now 1 week later I will back for challenge you again." and after that he came back to village. "

Every week LIN was challenging tang san and after fight he was correcting his fighting style. His fighting style was mixture of strength and some flexibility to move and perform techniques efficiently.

After a year tang san and Wang LIN both became strong. Now tang san was barely able win against LIN without some hidden technique like throwing rocks etc.

After challenge, LIN said, " tang san I will not come for few months."

TANG san was stunned and said, " why, is there something?"

LIN said, " I am going to learn wood craving for make money in future. I am not want to Dependent on others so I will do some carving to make money and after learning carving I will also learn smiting. Will your father teach me when time come? "

TANG san was shocked how 4 year old boy is worried about his future? (actually he was not worried about his future he was learning because he was not able in his last life. He can't tell other that I am learning because this was my wish in last life.)

TANG san said, " I can't tell you now why not you ask my father when you want to learn."

WENG LIN, "yes, probably I should be the one  asking your father in person. Okay bye don't slack off when I will challenge you next time I will be the one who will won."

After saying that he left for village.