Chapter One: Aryis ( What kills you makes you dead)

Aryis young didn't want to have white hair. She would've preferred a color that was closer to what her hair color was when she was alive, a vibrant red . But alas it was not meant to be because her avatar was stuck with white hair.

It was widely known that in order to be in such a situation as to be able to play Afterlife online, ones body must die , but just before they die have a virtual reality set stuck over there head. The virtual reality sets would act as preservers of the concousness until the body had time to heal.  This had happened to Aryis and her brother , Mazen , when they were casually trying to cross the street to get something from the corner store.

Being quite unlucky ,they were hit by a speeding car ,and rushed to the hospital. The two were in dire condition ,such dire condition that the doctors knew they were going to die. They only had one chance  to have any fighting chance ,and that was Afterlife online.

So with not much time to spare both siblings were fitted with VR sets and immersed into the world of AOL(Afterlife online) were it was hoped that they would be able to defeat the seven world bosses and return. You see the world bosses are made up of energy, energy that once transfered as XP in the game is converted as healing energy to the dead patient's body , thus the more world bosses you kill the better the chances you could come back to life.

Which brings me back to the point of Aryis creating her avatar.  It wasn't like she didn't know what to expect because , everyone dies eventually. So in preparation she spent her time in life wandering what it would be like to actually go into the game.

Looks like she would actually find out.

Logging on had began with a zooming sensation like her mind  was leaving her body behind. She soon encountered a small disk platform in an all white room.

Aryis stood on the disk and a digital screen popped up.

"Chose you avatar" said an automated female voice.

Aryis chose a human , because only NPCs could become another race.

" Choose your gender"

Being a female, Aryis chose female.

And so it had went on and on asking her what physical features she would want, which led her to her current delima . So far she had chosen a female human with dark blue eyes with an athletic build.

Then it asked the question about hair color.

She tried to choose red , but whenever she tapped on it the only color that showed up was white.

"Damit" she cursed.

She decided to forget about it and move on to the more interesting questions.

"What will be your battle class"

Aryis scrolled through the various classes: mage, assassin, warrior,  healer, and defender.

She chose warrior.

"What will your weapon mastery be"

In real life she had been pretty accurate with a bow , so that's what she chose.

"What will your elemental mastery be earth ,wind ,water, fire, lightning, sound , darkness or light.  You can choose up to two "the AI added.

She chose water and wind.

" Are you happy with your physical attributes, these can be changed later".

Two buttons , yes and no appeared on the screen. She chose yes.

" Finally what do you want others to call you".

She typed the name Aryis, with the digital keyboard that appeared before her.

There was a clicking sound and  world around her grew dark. She briefly wondered were her brother, Mazen was but pushed the thought aside. He was probably busy creating his avatar too.

Once again she felt the pulling sensation like she was being tugged out of her body, and the last thing she heard before her adventure began  was the automated females voice say

"Welcome Aryis, to Afterlife online."