That day we were out of all the rushes of the city and were walking along the banks of the lake Mancedra, on the far end of Takirsti. It's me who found that place. So peaceful to sit or walk or to have a long talk or sleep on the meadows of Mancedra. The sight of small cottages amidst the endless grasslands reminded me of the days I spend in Norway. It was really the most refreshing times of the day as the sun shone bright and I still remember the patterns of colored reflections like a rainbow, dancing with the pebbles and the leaves of that old wild tree. We walked a long way and finally settled under its shade. He was staring at the waves, as if they were talking deeply about something that, I don't understand. Sometimes wonder if I can ever talk so normally to him- Just ask about his friends, family & home. I love them so much though. His little sister and his small family. Once he said, he hates responsibilities, as if there had a lot of them. He always dreamt of owning a good house of his own. Make the dreams of his parents possible, and give his little sister the best childhood possible. He had everything in his thoughts. Unlike what I thought, he wasn't just a naughty kid. But I wonder what his dream is!

The cold summer breeze flew happily then and now touching and making each of the old sapphires leaves giggle and finally left the place with my glace and his smile. Yes, those smile though too shy and cute as a kid. Those days when we were in high school, I wouldn't want to miss any of them. But I felt a deep sigh from inside when he was beside me this time. I know that smile never told many stories but I knew it wasn't a happy one. I could feel what was in those eyes. Wish I had a better power to read those eyes too- all those stories that I never know. All those incidents within those 5 years that left him like this.

He carried a packet of cigarettes .may be more, I never dared to ask. He smoked heavily, just looking straight into the deep water. When I asked, he said he smoke to die. He must have been influenced by some books that I read long ago on my summer vacations. But I never read it though. I was Just skimming through the pages and left because it wasn't interesting at that time. He said he's like the one girl in that story. The one who smoked to die. But I couldn't clearly distinguish, was it just his fantasies like most others or did he really meant those words.

We both returned to the apartment right before the sunset. He was disturbed by something. He wanted to go back and take a nap before the works that will get start by the next day.