Sunday-The only day in a week when no alarms are set for a cozy morning. I woke up with a hangover from the night. I felt as if I was circling around in the lonely clouds of an alien planet. As I pulled my feet from under the blanket and took a step forward, I felt it totally in my reality. My head was aching so badly that I was in desperate need to sober up. I had no plans to cook by myself so I set forth to the neighbouring restaurant. I remember it was a clear sunny day outside in the neighborhood. It was a cozy day. I wore my favorite jacket in order to feel myself, leaving behind works on the other side. The hangover soup from there is the real reason why I would get drunk in my working days.

As I walked down the alleys, it already began to feel like spring would come soon. I was happy that I was okay and happy even alone. I saw couples walking holding hands and their affectionate gestures that show. I had nothing much to do even it was a holiday. The amusement park was nearby and I thought to have a visit to spend the day until noon. It was only then I realized how far I've walked from house and turned back to have a look for a satisfaction. I blurred my sight the very moment that I could only see a flash of light in my eyes for quite some time. All I could see was blood all over the place in that road and some splashed onto my face and the mere voices of crying and ambulance sirens from a distance. I distantly saw the body of a kid covered in blood and his white hoodie stained in it.  I felt darkness spreading in my eyes and feeling my body numb for a second and I remember the hands of a stranger holding me from the back as I was completely out of vision before I fell on the ground.

I woke up in my bedroom from my deep sleep after I pass out on the road. I heard noises from the kitchen and got anxious all of a sudden. There is no one who knows where I'm living other than me and the few friends from the dinner party. I started to panic as I woke up from the sleep. I felt my head so heavy by all the scary thoughts that came rushing to my mind. I felt it was no good to stay numb and made up my mind to go to the kitchen and check it out.  I grabbed the scissors in hand on the way in case of emergency. There was a tall man in a t-shirt in my kitchen. I saw the burner cooking something and two washed dishes on the side. I felt like I know him for too long as if he was casually moving in my kitchen. I had nothing planned in my head about what to do at that time. I took the steps quietly and went rushing towards him. I could only remember him grabbing my wrist by his hand and us both slipping and falling on the floor. I was simply glaring at him as he pulled me up from the floor. There was an immense silence in the surroundings at that time. I felt my hands shivering so badly not because, he was in my house but because I saw a face that I didn't see for years.