
No matter how many times Andrew and I had sex, it always seemed novel. Whether it was because of the positions that we got into or because of some new trick of his, he always found the fastest way to work me towards my climax.

My eyelids slipped shut as we continued to kiss. Despite the fact that we had already had sex and my orgasm wasn't that far in the past, I couldn't help melting into the delicious friction as I rocked against him, careful not to let him slip inside just yet.

I wanted this to last.

Andrew used the perfect amount of pressure in our kiss, dragging his mouth across mine and drawing my bottom lip in between his teeth. When he nipped lightly at it, I couldn't help but mewl at the sensation. Prickles of pleasure stoked the fire between my legs. Andrew seemed pleased by that reaction, repeating the action and then following up by trailing searing kisses all down the column of my throat.

I melted against him. My body fell slack against his muscular form as his deft fingers came up to tweak my left nipple. I could feel his hard cock pressing insistently into the hollow of my hip, and I knew it was time to go further.

I brought my hands down and gave his manhood a couple firm strokes, even though I knew that he was well ready to enter me. Then, I lifted my hips, positioned myself over his lance, and sat down onto him, letting out a wanton moan as his head dragged along skin that was still slightly oversensitive.

I sat there for a long moment, unable to move, caught up in the sensation of him there inside of me. I whimpered with want, and he kissed along my jawline and came back to my mouth, plunging his tongue inside and exploring every inch of it. He kissed me until I was breathless and practically shaking with the need for more.

All the while, he plunged deep inside of my folds, showing me pleasures that I had never before experienced. He used his heels to leverage against the bed, thrusting up into me with wild abandon. The only thing that kept me in place were his strong hands on my hips. The only thing that kept me grounded was the feel of his warm body between my knees. I clung to him, digging my fingers into his muscles, already feeling like I might orgasm, even though we'd barely just begun.

His talented mouth moved southward, and he flicked the tip of his tongue against the nub of my breast, sucking at the tender skin there until the nipple stood pert and flushed. Then, he moved over to the other breast, giving it the same treatment.

"Andrew," I moaned. I just couldn't get enough of him.

Just when I started to learn the rhythm and the sensation started to get a little less novel, he changed it up, moving first with long, slow, measured thrusts and then picking up the pace, forcing himself deeper into my folds. He changed the rhythm on me one more time, and suddenly, it was all too much.

I groaned and shivered, hands grasping desperately against the sheets as my climax overtook me. My vision went white for a moment.

When I came back down, I realized that he had slowed the rhythm some, but he still pressed at my insides. He was waiting for me to calm down a little before he continued to make love to me, I realized. He was trying not to overstimulate me.

I smiled and began to rock my own hips in time. I wasn't sure that I'd be able to come again, but it still felt amazing, just having him there inside of me. He slowed to a snail's pace, dragging his member out until just his head was still inside me and then forcing his way back in.

I whimpered, eyes rolling back a little. "That feels amazing," I told him, pressing my head to his collarbone. It was the slow movement of his cock sliding out of my wet hole, the drag of the head of his prick against the very edges of me, and then that quick snap back into me. I could feel myself beginning to come undone again.

He leaned in and sucked a mark into the side of my neck, right where my neck and shoulder met. I gasped again, dragging my fingers down his side and tilting my head away to give him better access to the spot. I was his now. I was engaged.

I was practically giddy, just thinking about it.

And then I couldn't think of anything else. Andrew flipped us around so that he was on top. He began to fuck me in earnest. His dick hit all the right places inside of me, and when he twisted his hips to the side, I groaned and fell slack against the pillows, feeling utterly wrung out. I wasn't even sure if I had come again or how many times I might have come. All I knew was that I kept feeling better and better, more and more relaxed, and that everything just felt more and more overwhelming.

I pressed my forehead against his forearm, needing the contact to ground myself.

"Oh, fuck," I said quietly, even though I normally wasn't one to swear. But the situation seemed to call for it. I couldn't seem to find any other words for how I felt. "This is..." I trailed off. I didn't have any energy left to do anything except lay there and watch his face as he brought himself up to climax as well, using me for his own ends.

Andrew groaned finally, one of the few noises that he'd made, and I could feel him lose the bruising rhythm that he had set. His hips stuttered a few times against mine, and he squeezed his eyes shut, face screwing up as he reached his own climax.

He hung motionlessly over me for a long moment before dragging himself out of me and rolling off to the side. Suddenly, he snaked an arm out and pulled me close against his side, bending his head down so he could kiss the top of my head. I hummed softly and curled into him.

"So, engagement," I said when I had finally caught my breath again. "I didn't know you had it in you, Mr. Andrew Goldwright."

Andrew groaned. "That reminds me. We're going to have to put out some sort of press release. The media will be all over this one. I'll no longer be the sexiest young bachelor in the country."

I blinked over at him. "You're kidding, right?" I couldn't honestly tell from his tone, but based on the words, I hoped he was kidding. If not, he was more conceited than I had realized.

Andrew burst out laughing. "Of course, I'm joking," he said. "Well, the media will be all over this, once they find out, but no, we don't have to put out a press release. I want this to be just between you and me for now. And Emma."

"And Emma," I agreed, smiling. "Emma's going to be thrilled."

"Because her Mama and Daddy are getting married?" Andrew asked. "Will she even understand what that means? She probably already thinks we're married."

"No," I said. "She'll be thrilled because she'll get to be the flower girl in our wedding, and she's going to get to dress up like a princess. I might even let her wear a tiara. How cute would that be?"

"You're planning the wedding already?" Andrew asked in surprise.

"I've been planning my wedding since I was of marriageable age," I told him seriously. Then, I laughed. "Not really. But Emma will be the flower girl, and I'll have to ask Misty to be my maid of honor and Katherine to be my bridesmaid."

"Do you think we can keep it small?" Andrew asked, frowning. "I only want the people who I really care about to be there.

"Of course," I said.

"Politically, if I start inviting people from work, everyone from work is going to want to go. And everyone that I grew up with will want to go, especially if they hear that we're having an open bar. I just want to keep it between us."

"Let's elope," I suggested. "The only person who I'd really like to invite, outside of Misty, is my mom. We could do that, just you, Katherine, Emma, my mom, and I." Then, I paused, feeling my face flushing. "Sorry, I'm getting too ahead of myself, aren't I? You specifically said that you weren't looking to marry me tomorrow or anything."

Andrew laughed and pulled me closer until my body was

pressed tightly against his. "I don't mind," he said. "In fact, I like the enthusiasm. It's cute."

"Good," I said.

We kissed chastely. I pulled away before it could get heated, squirming a little. "I really don't think that I can come again," I told him.

Andrew laughed again. "I don't even think I could get half hard again. Not until morning. I'm exhausted."

"So, I'm doing a good job of earning it, then?" I asked wickedly.

"More than good," Andrew told me, kissing me again.

We settled against the pillows, and I watched Andrew's eyes slide closed. I couldn't take my eyes off my ring just yet, though. "Hey, Andrew?" I asked, voice barely a whisper.

"Hmm?" he responded.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," he murmured. "More than you'll ever know."