Jimin kept on stomping on the ground while whining "how dare he, I was sleeping now my reputation is ruined...urrgh..." he kicked some stubborn stones outta his way "look who is blushing this early morning or whatever time it is" Tae shrugged but continued to tease the younger anyways "you just gave me the best show in this dark mountain or cave" he continued "you're the least person I expect to tease me" he pout but Tae was grinning ear to ear "indeed you just made our morning I wasn't expecting it" Hobi added approaching them including Namjoon and Jin "I know right?" Tae smiled at Hobi who winked at him 'when did they get close anyway I don't care my reputation is at stake here' "stop teasing me" he whine more, the other couldn't help than laugh at his cuteness "but I must warn you don't get in his temper you know what happened at the beginning right?" Namjoon pointed out making Jimin think deep "you are right he seems different I can tell from his eyes what happened I was sure he looked different yesterday must be knowing something" he narrowed his eyes to Namjoon "I'm not sure about it but if I know anything I will share with you but for now I don't think it's a good time"he suggested and the other understood why "keep moving your lazy asses!" Jungkook said from across "let's go" Jin took his bag pack and moved with the rest with Jimin behind them and Jungkook behind him.

'what's that I feel somebody is burning me with their eyes' Jimin narrowed his eyes and looked back at Jungkook who looked at him back with a smirk 'fuck why is he so hot.....Jimin snap out of it' he scolded himself 'dont stare.....fuck those muscline thighs' he bit his lower lip unintentionally, but he wasn't the only one having a debate crisis in his mind.

Jungkook following behind couldn't stop starring at that ass that was tightly wrapped in the black tight pants, 'fuck....' he pant 'i could take him right here' *cough*...the moment Jimin bit his lower lip he was about to loose it, he walked up to him and made sure his palm made a contact with that tight ass [A/N:the Jibooty OMG(・o・) ].

"ouch...." Jimin complained, but Jungkook walked away 'this pervert' Jimin huffed following behind. Jungkook suddenly stopped and he looked behind him he could see those drooling lust eyes from behind Jimin. He walked back at Jimin who looked at him dumbfounded "what now?" Jimin asked getting done with him "walk I'll be behind you" Jimin didn't have the time to complain and walked away. Jungkook looked at the men behind sending them a shuddering glare making them gulp hard. Seeing they got the hint he walked further.




today wasn't entirely dark and they didn't need to use their light bulbs to see anymore it was pretty clear dim lights but enough to see everything. Everyone stick together not after what happened few hours ago they had to stay together to help eachother.



why did the air feel so chilly and creepy at the same time it was kinda weird it coming from the rugged cave which had sharp stones at the end of it you could say you were staring right into a cactus but a rock one I mean does this thing even exist?.¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯

From infront of the cave passage fluttering sounds could be heard but were coming nearer "what's that?" one asked "sounds like a bird" Hobi said, the said bats flew to their sides fluttering their wings and making squeaking sounds, everybody squart down to avoid the bats front tearing their faces with their claws "freaking bats" one of Jungkook's men complained. After flying away they stood up looking forward them, it reaked creepness for sure, well they're really ready for another creepy creature in front of them for sure they couldn't tell but coming this far determines their braveness there is no way of turning back.

It was darker with a few steps towards the gloomy part of the cave, the rocks had been weirdly arranged in some sort of shapes which no one figured out yet,

Huffing sounds were heard from afar it felt like something large breathing through and it felt more warm and oddly very quite that's what it made it more creepy.....

"move it" Jungkook with less care of the creeps made his way into the cave walking past them being the front line looking fearless as ever 'fuck' Jimin was drooling yet again. "Baby doll...." Jungkook called teasingly he thought he won't get enough of the teasing "don't tell me the whole full Archeologist Jimin will stand back like the rest I thought you were the one fearless" he smirked.

'whenever he smirks he's being perverted again' Jimin studied "what nonsense are you sprouting I was still studying around the cave" he defended, he was actually lost in his thoughts but it doesn't mean he was scared hello!

"You are? then go with me if you aren't scared" Jungkook challenged wiggling his eyebrows "oh is that a challenge?" Jimin asked raising a brow "c'mon baby doll show me" the fucking husky voice he used was filled with a hint of Lust?? 'fuck'n pervert' Jimin scoffed "ok" he agreed walking towards him.

To make sure they won't be surprised with what next might crawl out Jungkook was actually suggesting to have the place first checked that includes teasing his baby doll he was just having too much fun making his face flush red oh how hot he looked.

The moment Jimin was near him he pulled him closer to his chest surprising him in the process, their lips brushed against eachother making Jimin flush red again, he wanted to pull away but man had a great grip. The others didn't stop watching a free BL right infront of them for some unknown reasons.

Jungkook walked forward while holding Jimin's waist closer to his body "you know I can walk by myself right?" Jimin stopped struggling "what if something pulls you away from me, what will happen to my baby doll" he pout making Jimin look at him with a 'WTF...face' he sigh in fraustration and and shook his head and walked along with him holding his waist.

"I really can't tell anymore, are they fighting or flirting?" Jin held his chin thinking alot of things. "my eyes" Hobi complained "are we missing something here?" Tae asked "definitely" Namjoon added.