"urrgh…" Jungkook groaned just when he woke up from a painful slumber he felt his body ache all over. He took in his surrounding with a foggy sight which he forced himself to focus more until the blur to disappear. "huh" he was confused to his unfamiliar surrounding not surprised by the stone walls but again there were some lamps hanged to the walls and someone was sat beside him not sure what he was doing, he looked down to his wrapped up thigh and was reminded how he got hurt earlier.

He got up groaning in the process making the other person known to his movement "who..are you?" Jungkook asked narrowing his eyes to the said person who finally looked to him his clothes were so weird and his face was unknown to Jungkook "oh you woke" the person sighed in relief but Jungkook was still confused as he placed his mind together to remember what happened earlier 'the fight…the ran and fell' his eyes widen and started to search in panic "where is he?" he asked with worry laced voice making the other confused at first "tell me where is he?" he asked this time a little harsh and he didn't care he just wants what he asked "oh you mean your friend" and Jungkook nodded rapidly "I will take you there" Jungkook got up as quick as possible to trail behind….."Am Kai by the way" he introduced as they made their way out of the stone craved room? Jungkook was not sure either.

As they made it out Jungkook couldn't resist checking out the unfamiliar surroundings, no doubt it was a cave but curved creatively. Seems it has been rebuilt and craved all around that it seemed to just been built again, on their way Jungkook also noticed the small lamps that hanged to the walls he was proud to pronounce this place as a work of art. Seeming the eternity walk to finally come to a halt they reached a specific room if we can put it like that which was no different from Jungkook's he was in earlier.

A few more people were gathered around a person that lay in the center which made Jungkook curious what were they were so immersed in? when they reached near Jungkook's eyes finally landed to the person that lay in the center making him wide his eyes and heart sting in pain there he lay so peaceful with eyes closed "Jimin" Jungkook called pushing everyone out of his way and kneeling beside him despite his hurt thigh but that didn't matter right now. He held his small cold hands and he frowned "baby…." He called worriedly "baby….am so sorry" he trailed his long fingers across his bruised face frowning more on how pale and cold he felt not to mention the cloth wrapped on his forehead, Jungkook instinctively pulled Jimin's body on his lap and embracing him in his warmth "it's okay baby…am here you will be ok" he more like was convincing himself landing a loving kiss on his forehead completely forgetting his surrounding as he hugged him more and close to him.

For sure in a long time whoever saw this sight cooed it's been that long having seen such a sight they looked adorable no kidding "don't worry he just passed out in no time he will wake up" the person who was with Jungkook earlier explained what was his name again 'oh Kai' Jungkook thought and made a small nod bring Jimin nearer his chest in hopes to take away the coldness.

A few minutes later someone appeared wearing black to whom everyone bowed to as Jungkook could only look at them curiously "He is our leader and he was the one that found you earlier" Kai explained. A man stood in front of Jungkook lowering down his black mask "and you must be?" Jungkook asked wrapping his hands around Jimin protectively "oh no need to be wary of me kiddo" a man around his late 40s chuckled as he took a sit, man he was tired af climbing that mountain again "am Mr. Min and you must be?" he politely asked "am Jungkook and this is Jimin" he said and glanced back at he sleeping boy 'he looks peaceful' Jungkook thought as he smiled and Mr.Min wasn't blind at this "cute" he mumbled and cleared his throat again "where are we?" Jungkook asked looking around again he really can't pin point "you are at the bottom of the cliff where you came from earlier" he simply explained and Jungkook had so many questions but mr. Min asked first "how did you end up down here?" Jungkook was reminded of what happened earlier "we were fighting then it exploded and before we knew it we fell over the cliff I dint think we would survive" Jungkook explained skipping a lot of details "and how are you guys down here?" Jungkook asked "same story, let me guess you fought the skeleton army right?" Jungkook nodded "we couldn't have escape and fell to the bottom" he explained the important details "by the look of this place you must been here long enough?" Jungkook asked "8years" the man shrugged and Jungkook's jaw dropped 8 what- but before he say more he felt Jimin wiggle in his hold "baby.." Jungkook calls with an excited voice "J..Jungkook" Jimin calls with a weak voice scanning around the area with a blurry sight before finally focusing on Jungkook's worried eyes "Jungkook" he called sitting up abruptly "yes baby its me" Jungkook smiled and before he knew it he was engulfed in a tight warm hug which he returned back even tighter "thank God your okay" he heard Jimin sigh in relief and broke the hug "now you are gonna explain to me how the hell you followed me off the cliff" Jungkook scolded and Jimin looked down to his lap guiltily "I was trying to help" he defended with a pout "by falling off with me yeah right" Jungkook continued to scold as Mr. Min who was watching the cute interaction trying to fight off a smile.



"what in the hell-" Tae's jaw dropped to the ground but he wasn't alone this time a lot of jaws were going to be picked up later, what was it again?

It was pitch black in the anonymous yet another cave which wasn't surprising at all, but guess how they could see in the pitch dark cave guess we will find out soon. Pin drop silence followed by drop of water every two seconds surely music to the ears. With every drop to the water source below it formed neon blue sparkles to red it was glowing on then off with every beat drop "wow" Jin exclaimed the four of them in a beautiful wonder "is this the ocean wonder of bio luminescence?" "baby smart as i know you" Jin giggled at his boyfriend's sexy brain at this time of need.

"no one could ever find it's source" Tae replied "until now..." Jin added feeling happy right now they just discovered the rarest things "it's beautiful" Hobi finally spoke after picking his jaw he was immersed to the sight that he forgot how to speak, "check this out" Hobi ran to the water source squatting as his fingers dipped into the water which reacted by glittering like the stars in the sky "look ha ha ha" Hobi laughed his happiness out he couldn't hide how excited this made him feel. Jin dragged his boyfriend near the water as he smiled brightly "so beautiful" he awed "but your more beautiful" Namjoon smiled "hey stob it not now" Jin blushed pretending to look at the water glowing.

(A/N:The bio luminescent sea will glow when it's disturbed by a wave breaking or a splash in the water at night. Algae bloom sea sparkle events are caused by calm and warm sea conditions. But you can see specks of bio-luminescence when it's created nearby by a light-producing marine creature, search google for more info.)

For a moment Tae was lost in Hobi's laugh as those sounds sounded like some sort of beautiful music to his ears that a smile uninvitedly made it's way to his lips. "Tae look" Hobi playfully called messing with the water more "come" he stood and ran to Taehyung who was caught off guard coming to his senses when he felt being dragged by the happy kid "see, try it" Hobi makes him touch the glowing water making him chuckle Hobi right now looked "cute.." he mumbled as he played along.

"wow what is that?" the rest of the group made it in the cave eyes literally glowing to the sight "what is this?" one asked as he took samples for later, more of them pushed in to get a glance at the blessing not yet getting enough from a peek it was going to be a long day for wonder.

