All the members gathered around the cave as instructed by Tae fucking Min of course on a gun point well they had no other choice anyway so they all gathered up to listen to what his best idea was since he claimed he was smart so might as well as leave the big troubles on himself. Everyone had already gathered their belongings but they were sure they're gonna come back here anyway that's if they haven't found a way forward but for the meantime this place seems the best to take a nap besides at least they have enough food for now but that wasn't their goal their goal was to find the treasure inside these mountains so there's no time to rest for the wicked.

"There are four paths as we investigated the cave, we are going to be grouped in four groups with a leader the rules are simple you gonna have to stick together you're gonna listen to the leader and do whatever he asked you to and we are going to check out the mountain, by evening time we have to return so we all know what you've gathered up from where you have come from are we together? in fact don't answer that you don't have a choice but to accept me, hahaha" he laughed his ass out "what's so funny?" Tae rolled his eyes as Taemin eyed him "has he been this total weirdo" Jimin humphed "Taehyung and Jimin you are on my team" he added to his announcement "are you scared?" Jimin asked with folded arms eyeing Taemin up and down "of course not now get moving" he shouted and everyone groaned grouping each other, Namjoon eyed Jungkook and nodded to each other understanding the silent talk. Namjoon followed a different group and Jin another that includes Hobi, and Jungkook? No way he was going to let Taemin out of his sight oh no not yet he knew he had something up to his sleeves.

Jimin was surprised as he saw Jungkook joining them from behind silently "wow would you take a look at that I feel so safe, smart and strong this is the best combo" Taemin bragged satisfied with his group he was leading.

The path was narrow and it had nothing but small rocks beneath their foot nothing suspicious about, nothing weird it was just like a normal road only that it was covered with rocks from above but the passage was longer all they had to do was just walk straight to it but with cautious and safety measures.

Jungkook was the last behind as he took slower steps behind everyone actually he just doesn't want to be near Jimin because he feels actually bad but he doesn't know how to express how sorry he is, blame his cold attitude he can't help it he was raised like this it's difficult to show his emotions which have been misinterpreted by everyone he meets too bad, but Jimin was different he can read him in a snap and so is now.

Jimin realized how Jungkook must feel right now so he slowed his movements until he reached up to Jungkook who didn't even realise until when he had a cough "ahem" Jimin fake coughed to get the attention of Jungkook and to bring up a conversation so it doesn't start on an awkward page but whom was he kidding Jungkook only remained silent walking ok he knew this was coming.

"Uhmm you ok?" The sudden question made Jimin look up to Jungkook, who in the world would think the Jeon Jungkook would bother to care it was new after the years "oh yeah..." he shrugged it off but he didn't realize how Jungkook looked at him closely seeing how there was a small scar on his cheek bone of course it had to be the damn ring he had worn onto his finger.

It went silent again Jungkook raising his hand abit to trace the scar but stopped and continued to walk "actually Jin hyung and Taehyung were pretty bad" Jimin reminded with a smile and Jungkook nodded to his deeds guess he was really out of his mind "I know my Jungkookie wouldn't do that" Jimin mumbled "huh" Jungkook looked at him but he shrugged it off saying it was nothing.



They walked through an entire day on the endless passage but seems like it was like forever good enough they had enough water though they were still hungry "you know what we should go back at this rate it's like covering the whole journey but if we cover it then go back here then there's nothing we are doing rather than waste time we are going back we have tonight to pack the next morning we are leaving" Taemin declared as he turned around to go back leaving no rest for the others as long as they knew the way.

"So were you perhaps apologizing?" Jimin teasingly asked while skipping in front of Jungkook just wanting to get a reaction from him and indeed he got it, Jungkook looked other way not wanting to face Jimin at all "come on" he continued to push him "it's just simple 'sorry' " he continued but Jungkook's tongue seemed tied together he couldn't say "jeez I'll say it later" he defended and walked further leaving Jimin behind laughing "coward".



Just as expected from the other groups it was just an endless passage like any other and as announced before Taemin announced it again he told everyone to keep their stuff ready it was the first thing they gonna wake up to in the morning they will have to move doesn't matter until where but they're moving starting tomorrow morning and now they had to rest for the big day and without any further questions asked everyone returned to their work of packing up.

In the middle of the night somehow two people weren't able to sleep that's for Jimin who wasn't sure if he should sleep after how he met his dead father in his dreams he wasn't sure if he should even dream not after Tae gave him those worried eyes it worried him too.

As Jimin was still stirring around when someone abruptly showed up in front his face so close that he was about to shout but those big hands covered him up "shsss come with me" the familiar voice whispered to him and he obediently followed without any questions.

They stood in front of the cracked wall of the cave "I want to show you something" Jimin only nodded not sure what it was.





This is Soo cuteee