Everyone was literally worn out after that aggressive attack they bumped into, they were bruised and hurt and weak and to sum it up they hadn't had anything to eat yet, since the so called leader Taemin was out cold might as well as do with their plans "I think it's better enough here" Hobi announced after looking further away from them, after walking for what seemed like twenty minutes they had finally arrived at somewhere normal, looking this place was surrounded by water lagoons all over it and the temperatures surprisingly warm due to the steam, seems like the water lagoon back there was the beginning to the others. With water lagoons surrounded everywhere there was a dry land beside the lagoons just perfect for those who didn't feel the need of a bath "I have checked this place it's totally safe" Hobi announced as everyone sighed in relief taking a comfortable spot as Kai and some of his people who knew about treatment went on business trying to help each other.

Taemin was lay down somewhere as they checked his wounds, he sure did have a broken limb and arm, others had bruises while Kai focused on Jungkook who was hurt more than the rest including the burns on his arms "is he going to be ok?" Jimin was internally panicking as the rest looked at him "ofcourse he will be alright" Kai was sure "just use the green meds" Yoongi said as everyone turned to him "huh.." Jimin was first confused and realized what he meant "oh yes the green-" Jimin stopped talking as he looked at Yoongi questioningly and the male knew he had some explanations to do "I'll explain..later" he said looking other way to avoid the intense gaze he received.

Jimin had carried enough of the herb just when needed at the perfect time, Kai nodded at him as they took it and placing it on Jungkook's burns and bruises the others staring attentively "whoah Jimin what's that?" Taehyung asked as he sat closer to them "Jungkook found this herb back the previous location" he simply said not ready to explain more "and you thought you shouldn't tell me?" Taehyung asked with a fake hurt voice "you wouldn't believe it anyway" Jimin shrugged as he continued to tend to Jungkook totally ignoring the whinning Taehyung while Kai just laughed at the two bickering, the herb really helped the most of them but Jungkook still didn't wake up "I think he needs rest and so does everyone" Kai told Jimin seeing him so worried "he's going to be ok honey" Jin side hugged him as he like the others had healed the bruises "come let's start the fire you must be hungry" Jimin stood up hestantly but walked away seeing Kai nod at him reassuring he was gonna watch over him.

Luckily this place had fruits growing on the rocks and totally edible and adding to their canned foods which dont really spoil even after keeping it for a long time although some lost them. So what they did was gather the food together and prepare it all at once "I still have my ramen" Jimin said as he was going to volunteer it for the food but Taehyung stopped him "you would want to keep that for Jungkook" he suggested as Jimin quickly retreated his hand back to keep the packet, Taehyung might have beef with Jungkook but he still cares, "I realized that he doesn't walk with his bag only to realize he might have lost it somewhere" he shrugged and walked near the fire place sitting with the rest leaving Jimin to smile at himself before joining too after taking a peek at Jungkook who wasn't far from him.



"How do you know?" Jimin was the first to ask Yoongi the question he's been meaning to ask "Where did you come from?" "What were you doing there?" questions after questions came flooding towards Yoongi who first breathed out and decided to talk "actually I followed you, no not like that, I first came in but lost my way here and then I met you guys back there and decided to follow you up and I saw everything" he confessed as they looked at him with shocked expressions "what are you doing here?" Namjoon asked as he sensed the other wasn't really here with a purpose "a bet was all it took me here and now looking back I feel so stupid" he sighed frustrated "those idiots thought that the gold history doesn't exist and placed a bet for me to find out" he shrugged the last part as they looked at him with pity "so what are you gonna do now?" Jin asked "well i'll go back what else?" he said like he heard the most ridiculous question ever "you have seen what happened back there do you think you can survive that?" Jimin who was beside him asked as Yoongi fell speechless after all Jimin was right there was no point of turning back "whatever I'll see to it" he shrugged and went back to starring the fire while Jimin and Taehyung took their time to study him "why do I feel like I saw you somewhere?" Taehyung kept on starring as the other was getting uncomfortable with the too much stares now "jeez will we first rest and leave the rest for tomorrow" Jin said sighing and standing up with Namjoon getting a comfortable spot then settled their tired bones ofcourse their boyfriends what were they really expecting from them anyway, Hobi and Taehyung remained on the fire place wanting to sit more, Yoongi had already dozed don't even ask when and Jimin walked back to Jungkook Taehyung letting him do what he wanted he can't stop them from getting close can he?.



Jimin already talked to Kai telling him to get something to eat since all he did was staying side to side with Jungkook, Jimin took a seat closer to Jungkook and seeming not to like the position he just pulled his head towards his lap and now it was getting abit cold there was a temperature change, he caressed his now free bruise face as he played with his soft black ravens but quitely not to wake him up. He was quite but the worry all over his face was no secret "wake up soon your making me worried" he pout sadly something he usually does. They stayed quite for a good time as Jimin was humming a soft song but only for him to hear while in the other hand was Taemin who was already up and starring at the two with a disappointed look "sorry boss I couldn't" he heard the guy in black apologize the same guy who was trying to pretend to treat Jungkook "with Jimin so close and the others I don't think we can go through them we have to deal with the one blocking us" he planned as he stretched a bit feeling so sore and tired "but before that let's rest I feel like shit" he sighed tiredly getting himself comfortable to a night slumber.

All this time Jimin never closed his eyes not even a second when he felt Jungkook move his face as a sign of waking up "huh" he sat straight studying Jungkook who slowly open his sleepy eyes after hours making Jimin smile so widely "your awake" he said happily pulling Jungkook's face to his neck sighing in relief "you scared me" he said with teary eyes "Jiminie.." Jungkook called with a soft voice barely a whisper but Jimin heard him as he nodded "yes..am here don't worry" he unconsciously kissed all over his face feeling happy right now as Jungkook smiled looking at Jimin "how do you feel bunny?" he asked while checking his hands to see if they missed any part "where it hurts?" he asked totally forgetting himself as now he wasn't just Jimin he was Jiminie, Jungkook's.

"Jiminie am ok just....stay here with me" he heard Jungkook say and looked back at him, he could tell he was so tired "am always here bunny, are you hungry I'll make something for you" he helped him sit up as he tried to wake up only for Jungkook to hold him back "don't go please...." he pout as he had his aegyo face and how could Jimin resist that "ok come with me" he had no choice than help Jungkook sit beside the fire with him, Taehyung and Hobi already having fallen somewhere asleep "ramen?" Jimin asked with a smile as Jungkook just stared at him like nothing else existed but nodded and Jimin went on preparing his meal while Jungkook just watched him prepare it all.

After Jimin was done he served it and turned to Jungkook ready to feed him "be careful it's hot" he took the reusable chopsticks and holding the noodles making it less hot and feeding the waiting Jungkook who obediently ate not looking like he's gonna feed himself anytime soon but Jimin was enjoying the action so he went for it "there bunny you are doing great" Jimin praised as he saw Jungkook obey him just one of the things that Jimin fell in love with, this cute side of Jungkook that only he will show to him it makes him feel special "you...too" he said witn a mouthful and Jimin wasn't going to say no he knows Jungkook won't stop "there I ate some" he said playfully as Jungkook gave him a bunny smile what he missed all these years, he couldn't help than lean towards him giving him a peck on the cheeks "that's for being a good boy" they both smiled as Jungkook was done eating now "your clothes are still bloody wanna change?" Jimin asked Jungkook who looked at himself before shrugging "don't have what to change into" he simply said "Don't worry Jin hyung had carried extras for you" Jimin revealed a black cargo pant and a big grey sweater "oh" he was surprised, Jin knew his boy was the type not to care about himself even at the last moment he thought about him "come let's get you cleaned up" he helped him up as he was still weak, Jimin looked to the other side as Jungkook undressed and dipped into the lagoon relaxing his tired muscles it did feel good.

"Do you need help?" Jimin asked out of worry but Jungkook assured him he can handle it. Jimin went back at their resting spot and quietly leaned on the rock waiting for Jungkook.

Jungkook after a few minutes he was done even dressing and went back only to see Jimin uncomfortably leaned on the rock patiently waiting for him, he smiled then headed to him sitting beside.

"Jimin" he called softly as Jimin looked at him with his sleepy eyes "let's rest" Jungkook nodded as he pulled Jimin to his chest completely enveloping him in his big arms as they shared a good warmth between each other after all they did miss each other but won't say it "goodnight baby" Jungkook said as he kissed his forehead "goodnight bunny" he heard Jimin say as he smiled pulling him closer if that was even possible, it was a beautiful night for the both.


