Low Voices.....





Was the only thing that could be heard from further of the cave it was weird how these voices sounded desperate and that coming more from that particular area and there was something about it, something that was calling them forward and because curiosity killed the cat they decided to walk from where the voices came from it seems like there were more people inside there but why were they jammed up here why they can't just run out when they're about to find out soon why, and as expected Jimin led them

'yes son....closer'

'you will finally meet me'

'we will be together again'

The voices kept of Jumbling in Jimin's head that now his legs were only taking him closer to the voice despite all those voices he could make out his own Father's own voice but now that he thinks about it he's starting to have second thoughts if his father was really there then how the hell is he speaking in his head but he can't just feel himself turn back it was godamned hard, he felt he was in a hypnosis

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" a loud scream brought him back to reality that he manged to look to the sides only to see one of the woman archeologist looking at something in horror her body completely still because she could turn back to the sight "s...ske.. Skelton" she managed to scream only to get silent the next minute "huh" Jimin was confused he wasn't seeing the woman again and damn the darkness "Jimin there is something down here don't move any further" he heard Jungkook warn because now he can't see him it was really dark "dad.." Jimin whisper called hoping his thoughts were wrong "son" he heard the voice call him "give me your hand" his father's voice said as Jimin hestantly gave him his hand through the dark but before anything else a bright light to appeared before him, his eyes widening to the sight, there he was his father in flesh in real, "dad" he called with a smile his hand yet to hold onto his "yes son, come let's stay together" he said "but mom..." Jimin was relactant "will go after her, together son" the voice soothed, bingo! there it was the difference Jimin got, his father would never choose him before his mother he'd rather go together, weird but his father was never the demanding type and the person Infront of him now was demanding almost commanding

"Jimin!" he heard Taehyung call him he had completely forgotten what was even going on it's like his memory was held "Tae?" Jimin was confused "see dad" he said but Taehyung only shook his head "where?" Taehyung's question shocked him "there Infront of us" he pointed at the man before him, "Jimin wake up look infront of you" he dragged him to the other side only to get shocked, he can now see it the damn hole that had nothing but crying Skeltons "Jimin's it's a trap these are long lost hungry souls they need to feed and we are their food" Taehyung almost shouted, Jimin could see everyone trying to fight off their thoughts because it only lulled them to the pit it was hypnosis and Jimin was going through it right now he wasn't believing him "son dont listen to him come to me, now Jimin!!" he seemed pissed "no Taehyung....I" Jimin wasnt really going to listen was he?

Jungkook seemed to have snapped out of those thoughts when he ran to the two "what's wrong?" Jungkook asked to Taehyung who had Jimin's wrists held tightly boy was already walking away "he's worse he doesn't listen to me" Taehyung was really shouting try to get hold of Jimin back oh hell no he was going to let his best friend taken as a sacrifice, Jungkook looked to where Jimin was looking only to see just the same mess a mere weak Skelton trying to make it's way out it was eating his soul "shit" Jungkook pulled Jimin towards him "Jimin snap out of it!" Jungkook tried but as expected he wasn't listen "I have to do this" "do what?" Tae was confused only to hear a tight slap beside him, looking towards Jimin he saw him looking down without a word "hey how dare you" Taehyung was about to snap when Jimi.n looked up "haaaa oh God what was that?" he felt breathless as he looked at the two "thank you so much I thought I was going to die we should get out of here" he breathed the two looking at him with wide eyes "what, let's go" it seems Jimin was back to himself after that hard slap but this was not the time to think about that.

Everyone was trying to fight off their conscious the unlucky ones already vanished from existence not sure exactly how, the one who managed to get back to reality ran back outside retreating, the three were still behind something strong pulling them back "what the heck?" Jungkook looked back nothing but Skeltons starring down at them with now louder screams almost busting their eardrums "fuck it hurts" Taehyung fell to the ground and the two couldn't just leave him behind thus running back to pick him up but they were getting tired already, if it was something to fight off with they could escape that but this was something invisible that they couldn't see to start fighting it off, just when they thought they were hopeless someone ran to them holding nothing but the fire stick and a few dynamites to set them off "in three guys you run" yoongi warned as he got down to it and lighting up the dynamites which were ofcourse given by Namjoon not a while ago he did as he was told, the screams had quite down when they saw a light they don't like it, without any further thoughts he threw the dynamites taking that small chance to run away before the cave literally blew off and covered to its entrance luckily the three having made it out at the last minute jumping out and breathing heavily.....




Everyone was looking terrified as they breathed hard, their numbers having reduced and they lost others too..a lot, everyone was atleast bruised and bleeding and coughing due to the dust this broke Jimin's heart these people trusted him and what did he do..

"Jimin what the hell?" Immediately Tae shouted as he stood up looking at Jimin disappointed "when did we start hiding things from eachother?" he bit his lip that was now trembling he knows he messed up real bad "I asked you so many times what it was but you didn't even feel to share it with me what are friends for?" he was hurt he could tell worst thing what if something happened to Jimin he would never forgive himself "why..?" he lastly asked with broken voice as Jimin could feel his own eyes burning from the unshed tears, "am...am sorry" he apologized while looking down but Taehyung wasn't really looking for an apology right now,no!

"Your apology won't bring back my sister Jimin, how could you mess us up at the last minute we trusted you" one of his co-workers sobbed hard as she glared at him, hate dripping off her, Jimin was silent he didn't know what to say, He tried looking up to everyone only to see all those disappointed eyes directed towards him some didn't want to even look at him already disgusted, when he turned to Jungkook he saw him looking back at him with an emotionless face Jimin couldn't even tell what Jungkook was thinking right now 'he must be disappointed in me too' he thought

"I...I am sorry I didn't....think it would get to this point, please blame me it's all my fault I will take in everything you throw towards me, anger, hate, despise.....I deserve it" he sobbed hard as he clutched onto his cloth feeling guilty as ever "please...am sorry I didn't know...." he apologized over and over again as everyone fell speechless "am...sorry" he apologized again before walking off somewhere on the cave he needed a lone time

"Jimin am sorry okay?" Taehyung shouted from where he was but Jimin can't hear that will all the rocky walls everywhere.....

A few moments later when Jimin calmed down a bit he decided to go back but from afar when he suddenly felt something sharp sting his neck and his mouth getting covered suddenly he couldn't utter a word all he could see was the blur environment.....

