Awakening (Last)

It hurt. Alban's head was whirling from the shock it received oh so recently. He looked up at the sky, trying to determine if a significant amount of time passed since he was quite unaware how long he was knocked out for. To his was still night. The sky, still bloody, and the air around him creeping about murkily.

"User has been detected to be awake. User may now access memories."

It was the little things that made Alban happy, at least because there was nothing to do. He didn't even have a phone he could play on.

'Speaking of phones...let's try and whirl through my memory to see if I placed it anywhere.'

He thought long and hard, setting his mind's gears revolving at a speed faster than a well-fed horse. It was all rather blurry, in fact, all the memories aside from his sojourn into the creepy land around him were unclear.

'This "basic right is a scam. I feel like I just clicked on a shitty hot girls in your area ad, pathetic and stupid for thinking it would work. I basically only know what things are now...'

"Hey, system. What am I supposed to do? You said you'd help me live."

"User may receive quests. Please draw 3."

At that moment, a black window lit up before Alban. With gleaming white text making it clearly obvious he was supposed to read, he thought that it was probably made this way so he can use it during both day and night.

As soon as making that, in retrospect, redundant observation, the screen flashed vibrant colors of all sorts. The lights slowly died down, or at least it seemed to, before shortly assembling itself into a deck of cards. He noticed what look like a card with a question mark on it, and the number three near it. To top it all off was a red panel with the word draw on it, he could've sworn it was...

"System, is this a gacha game!?"

"Affirmative. Functions have been compiled using familiar terms from the user."

Although dearly wanting to complain, Alban decided to simply comply. This wasn't done out of patience or tolerance, it happened because he wanted to "compile" replants for the system. Really stock them up for when he needed them.

Pressing the draw prompt twice, he was met with unremarkable fanfare! Not really. Alban was sure he's seen this at least 100 times before. The whole real-life system thing might be a bit of a stretch but a gacha game will stay a gacha game.


Living is admittedly a very arduous process. Day in and day out, you have to obtain proper nutrients and rest before you can even set your mind on anything. Please note this.


At least one meal a day (0/1)

Find a place to rest peacefully (0/1)



The body is the vessel that houses the mind and the soul. Unfortunately, yours seems quite inadequate for survival. Please fix that.


Sit ups. Daily. (0/100)

Push ups. Daily (0/100)

Run. Daily (0/5 km)

This quest can be failed. Penalties: They will know where you are for 3 minutes after failure.


'Ah, shit. I'm fucked, aren't I?'