Discovery (Last)

The bounty of singlehandedly bringing a species to near-extinction soon turned out to be a bit less fruitful than Alban thought. As he proceeded along with his search of monsters, he often realized that he came across multiple ones the same time. He could barely collect 10 bodies, and most of the time he would butcher the corpse so bad that he didn't have very many materials. He calmed down rather quickly though, considering it an okay exchange for a level 3 in Dismantle.

He had a total of 9 Floratine Vines, 5 Tajaran Shards, 4 Eimharr Cloud Beads, 5 Tajaran Bones, 6 Floratine Spines, and 3 Tajaran Horns. He had a lot more to work with than when he made his anklet, but he felt regretful that he didn't have enough cloud beads to make something metallic. Oh well, at least he had plenty of bones.

Alban first planned to make a spear, as he felt like the more options he had for attacking the better. Although it wasn't as demonstrated well as he thought it would be, monsters he killed before certainly did learn. Maybe they learned a bit slower because they were babies, that seemed like a plausible reason of why he was currently having such an easy time of it. Still, better to be prepared.

Alban settled down and completed a cycle of meditation before getting to work, trying to decompress and really let the creative juices flow thoroughly inside his grey matter. First, he had to make a whittling knife, so he could file down a horn into a suitable spearhead. It was a bit too big and a bit too much of a cone to be utilized properly anyway, and he seriously doubted he could just magic his way into anything he wanted. Alban set aside a floratine spine, snapping it in half and fixing the rib bones along a tajaran shard. The end result looked similar to a knife, so he bound a vine around it and proceeded to activate Assembly.

{Assembly has now reached level two}

As the light dimmed down from the initial flare that obscured his object, Alban thought that his knife looked sturdy enough. Using Inspect on it, he was pretty excited to check out it's stats.

{Stressful Whistler}

A whittling knife that seems a bit primitive. If you listen closely, you can hear small growls from the monsters it was made from. May enrage or alarm opponents.


Dexterity +3

Strength +1

Attack 6

Durability (20/21)

'Huh. A bit more ominous than I was aiming for. I know I didn't designate anything other than a carving knife...maybe it has to deal with the materials? Ah, maybe calling me a wildman isn't that far off...'

{Steady Mind has reached level 6.}

"Tch." Alban clicked his tongue. It seemed he was a bit down in the dumps for a second there, maybe it was the memory of the past that bothered him. That peaceful life of his, where he could eat, sleep, and rest to his heart's content. It seemed so far away from him now, and he felt that he should feel sad about it. But the skill was like an iron fortress, blocking away all the thoughts that would've poisoned his psyche with longing. Those feelings were much more harmful than helpful to him as of now, they felt a bit useless.

Alban picked up his knife and started shaping a tajaran horn to look a bit more like a spearhead, taking note of that odd slipping feeling he experience again. Except this time, it felt less like slipping and more of a stirring kind of sensation. Odd. He decided not to think very much of it and focus on the task at hand.

Placing the new soon to be pointy end of his new sharp stick, he took two floratine spines and tied them together with another vine. He then took a tajaran bone and linked the two together by placing a cloud bead in between the two and melting it. As the alloy settled into its new position, Alban placed the spearhead atop the side with the floratine spines tied together, binding it with the last bits of available vine hanging lose from them. Soon, the light almost characteristic of Assembly at this point took its rightful position, obscuring the item from view.

5 seconds, like any other passed. As Alban was focusing on his craft, he didn't notice the 3 pairs of eyes staring at the light that his items resided in. Their gazes were full of wonder, their hands twitching. Teta stopped himself and the others from making any sudden moves, afraid that he might set the wildman off.

{Reckless Floral Javelin}

Meant for throwing, the vine fused with the spear is little more than an ornament. Throwing this at high speeds will make it a bit more dangerous, though it seems pretty fragile.


Attack 6~

Durability (10/10)

The javelin was a bit longer than his arm, but Alban thought it was a pity that it had such a low durability. He really liked how it looked too, the floratine's spines having a slight floral pattern naturally engraved on them. The pattern even reached the javelin, the straight arrow figure taking on a simplistic yet clean appearance. Alban swore he'd tried to make it last as long as possible. He then suddenly looked at the three imps, as he noticed their snoring stopped soon after finishing his piece.

"Get up. If you've got time to sit around you've got time to show me the target."

"Ah, okay!"

Stepping out of the cave, it was as red and foggy as ever. Alban liked the cave a bit more than he initially thought, it was a nice and warm atmosphere with those imps sleeping around. Although, he certainly loved the was a bit tiring to deal with the sticky feeling after a while. Clearing his mind, he watched Teta and the others crouch down and take a large sniff. Imitating them, he followed after them when it seemed like they caught onto a scent.