Little Demons (Last)

Teta and Nevus could no longer jump on Lady, so Teta decided to hoist her up on his shoulders. They were a bit taller ever since their evolutions, Teta standing at 4'2 ft and Nevus at a 4'5 ft. Lady was merely 2'8 ft, much shorter than the two. She wasn't really envious of their height though...she wanted their looks! The shiny eyes, the hair, and look at their horns! She was feeling really conscious about the stubs on her head, and she was frustrated that she couldn't communicate it as clearly as Teta and Nevus. And Nevus was wasting his newfound vocabulary by standing around silent like always, life is so unfair...

The imps and their questionably human boss soon chanced upon another monster, this one protruding above the water. It's head resembled a calf in all but the was huge! The size was about two meters, but that couldn't be it's complete body. How would a head even be able to swim in water?

Lady conjured up a rock in her hand and threw it right at the calf's head. It squarely struck the calf's nose, causing it to bleed. The four were shortly met by a huge eye facing them, the calf's head turned around. The head slowly peeled back and revealed several tentacles peeking above the sea. The tentacles lashed the air, flinging towards the three imps.

Teta easily dodged the tentacles and hopped back, Nevus moving out of the range of the appendage by slightly stepping back. Alban saw the creepy tentacle monster and instead of savagely assailing or flinging fireballs at it like normal, his mouth watered. The huge eye was looking at a menacing opponent that it was sure it couldn't defeat, and Alban...was looking at a meal. Fried squid was a flavor he could remember but hadn't had much of an opportunity to recreate that sensation. He decided to fix that now.

The appendages rapidly approached Alban's position, the numerous feelers moving with the intent to quickly beat him down before he could lunge at them. Alban didn't move at all though, his blood was pumping and his body aflame. The roaring fire was meek, softly licking his palms like a tamed dog greeting their master. Alban brought his hands level to his shoulders, his hands slowly clasping and unclasping, grasping for the feelers that were closing in on him.

The limbs were caught in his iron grip, before suffering a rigorous pain as the result of intense flaring of it's slimy skin. Although the fire was somewhat doused by the water dripping off the tentacles, that only prolonged the agony. The limbs hurriedly attempted to retract, bringing Alban along with them on their wild ride.

As he was flying through the air, Alban released the tentacles from his clutches and fell directly on the appendage right underneath him. He utilized the vines around his shin guard and wrapped them around it. Alban quickly stood up and retrieved his javelin before plunging it deeply in the monster's flesh, the smile on his face reflecting in the creatures great eye. Alban peered at his reflection, intrigued in what he saw.

A feminine face, barely tainted by any amount of masculinity. His only traditionally male features being long eyelashes and sharp, untrimmed brows. They were not very bushy, nut they certainly weren't pencil thin; the fine arcs resembling a fierce and bold calligraphy that resembled the texts left by old Chinese masters. His eyes themselves were curved and monolid; his iris a brown as deeo as black coffee. His nose was straight and mesorrhine, seeming as if it hailed straight from Rome itself. His lips were slightly thin on the top but heavy on the bottom, and his chin was straight and triangular, while his cheekbones were round and thin. His beauty looked as if it was sculpted by the gods, the painted grin across his face revealing sharp fangs reminiscent of teeth. Lastly, his chestnut hair extended down and kissed his collarbones at the back, while the front housed bore wispy bangs that hid the very cheeks they curtained. Alban took all of this in, refreshed at seeing the form that his memories secreted away from him.

His left hand was still holding on to his impaled spear, his right hand feeling the warmth of a hearthplace on a winter's night. The eye witnessed this in terror, the heat gathering and compressing at an alarming rate. The tentacles rushed toward Alban's position, desperately competing against time, fighting against the reality of the situation itself. But it was too late. Albans lips closed into a plain smile, his countenance as refreshing as a summer breeze. The heat soon overpowered the eye's senses, it's vision permanently scorched. Although it was still alive, the eye was completely shriveled and charred as black as ash. The eye fell into the water before being grasped by the vines, as Alban routinely threw it towards the imps. His target was Lady, who barely got to touch the eye before it fell apart and soon disappeared.

But the tentacles were still moving, a clear bullet shaped whole adorning the previously pink flesh. It was then that Alban understood he screwed up...the monster's appearance was bizarre and seemed a bit unfeasible. He didn't know at the time because he had seen plenty of odd things in Nightmare, but now he knew. He was standing on at least 2 young monsters! He quickly inspected it to verify his claims.

{Camirep + Fessep + Tetriath}

A three for one special. These monsters normally hunt in tandem, even going as far as to permanently attach themselves to each other. When one dies, the others are weakened considerably as they share pain receptors.

'Vital information that'll come in handy later, I suppose. Now that I know that this is actually possible, it'll be a bit harder to underestimate creatures in the future..." Alban pondered this quietly as his body fought against the monster on auto-pilot. His wild aura could no longer be restrained within the confines of his body, brought out in it's purest in the heat of battle. Alban snapped out of his thoughts just in time to see a fireball quickly swell and extend, then fired into a bolt at aimed at the center of the tentacles. Quickly remembering this feeling, he stored it in his mind for usage later.

As the firebolt precisely struck the center of the tentacles, a calf's head was burnt just as bad as the victim before it. The appendages also stopped flailing and gently fell on the sea. Both of the bodies simply floated along, their timely shivering announcing to the world their remaining vitality. Aban jumped into the Blood Sea and pulled the two pots of experience onto the shoreline. Teta was amazed, jumping around in awe, while Nevus' eyes were brimming with respect. And Lady, last but not least, was so excited it seemed that the stars in her eyes would come flying out and kiss the two struggling monsters. Finally, she'd look pretty too, and her horns would be the best of all! She threw two already conjured rocks at what she thought were the weak points of the camirep and fessep, impaling the later with a rocky stalagmite for good measure. She picked her class immediately without even checking and entered the glowing cocoon in a matter of milliseconds.

Alban sighed, his lips prim and fastened together in a bout of exasperation but his eyes mirroring the contentment he truly felt deep down. He created Lady's set of clothes whilst ignoring the panel that lie in the corner of his eye. He could always focus on that later.

Emerging from the cocoon, Lady was beaming from ear to ear. Her skin will changed completely, no longer red but a rich cocoa brown. She had a human appearance that looked around 8-10, right in the middle of Teta and Nevus. She was quite beautiful and charming for a kid, her appearance serving as a precursor for what appeared to be her future attractive mien. Her hair was silver white and she gained a new horn in the middle of her head, a bit bigger than the ones on her side. The side horns in question were as brown as her skin, while the middle one was as silver as her hair. Her cornea were black with and had shining, clear white irises.

Her smile was certainly infectious, her body wrapped up quickly in the clothes Alban made for her. He had no idea how tall she was gonna be, but it was a fair bit smaller than the others as she had always been the shortest. Standing at a tiny 4 ft, he was glad that he wasn't far off. His attention turned to the panel to his left, quickly skimming it's contents.

(Rewards: Party function and Store function, unlocked.)

"How about we head home for the day guys? I got plenty of meat for us to cook~" The three imps took the lead, eager for their much deserved meal. Hopping around for hours on end is serious work, you know!