Training the Imps (Last)

"Alright, so. We're going to rapidly improve ourselves today. I've got a good estimation of what you WERE capable of, but your new classes and races should add on to your capabilities. We're going to test that today, okay? Teta, you can sit by me and help me judge them." Nevus and Lady witnessed both Alban's deceitful smile and Teta's devious grin. They each felt wronged, but could only acquiesce quietly.

Nevus stepped out first. His countenance slowly blended into the air around him, almost disappearing. A faint outline was all that was left of him, indicating that he was still very much here.

"Impressive. Is that all you obtained or...?"

"The rest are based on this, but I need a target."

"Ha! Excuses. What about all that m a n a, huh?" Teta made air quotes specifically at the word mana, his pettiness taking the point front and center. Alban flicked his head at his jeering, although he did agree with what Teta had said. All that mana and no way to cast it?

"Well, it's not strong. This ability uses mana, and I can imbue it in my attacks..." Nevus felt a bit intimidated at Alban's inquisitive gaze. He was merely copying Alban, and was a bit down that he couldn't do those fireballs. He would never admit to silently getting up while Lady was meditating, surveying the cave to see if it was empty, and then mimicking the poses Alban did when he made fireballs. Nevus clenched his hands into a fist, spread out his palms and pushed them, he had even hunched down and tried lobbing his mana! Absolutely nothing happened though...

Alban gestured for him to sit back down while Lady took attention. Marching with a spring in her step, she sat down right where Nevus was a couple seconds prior.

"Taaadaaaa~!" A miniature rock figure of herself lay in her palms. Three stalactites were pierced in a triangular formation around her while 2 rocks fell on the ground. Speaking of the ground, it was slightly raised into a sort of stage. Nevus had never felt envy before but he felt it now. Teta pointed at him and snickered a bit.

"Join the club, bub. I guess I'm the strongest among us three huh~ I can get realllll close to Lady and punch her lights out and all you can do is be a wimp and disappear! Whatcha gonna do, run away?" That remark earned him another flick on the top of his head, as to which made him fall back and clutch his head.

"Impressive. Your control is the better than Nevus, and Teta doesn't have any mana to speak of. I'll even ask you to do the honor of teaching me how to do Earth magic, okay?"

"Okie dokie, captain! Can I sit down now?" Alban nodded his head. Getting up and walking forward, he arrived at the protruded ground and quickly stepped on top of it, noting its firmness.

"Alright. So, here's my analysis. I trained with Teta earlier, and saw that he was really strong. I saw Nevus, and observed his disappearing ability. Although it seems lackluster, it has a lot of potential and utility. Lady seems like the most well balanced of you three, excellent control and good offensive capabilities. Here's what we're gonna do.

Teta will train with me everyday, completing three sets of our training before dinner. Nevus! You will measure how long you can disappear and sneak attack monsters. Stay close to the cave and only take on ones you know you can beat. Lady, you can sit and conjure up whatever you like. I'll be observing in an attempt to try and grasp earth magic."

"You betcha, boss!"

"Got it captain!"


A chorus of voices sounded out under the crimson light. They were now aware of what they would do daily in order to be stronger. Alban would take care of the meals, going out to hunt in the morning. The schedule was now set.

A week later.

"GOOOOD MORNING! It's time for everyone's favorite, the second leader under the fatty sky, Teta! Woooo!" Teta walked out of the cave with his chest puffed out. He almost looked like a pheasant, an earring gleaming on his right ear. Alban inspected his work, happily noting its effects.

{Tears Of Ferocity}

A gemstone earring forged from the corpses of monsters in agony. Their ferocity was contained, amplifying the wearer's strength and vitality by 25%

Durability (12/20)

Alban then turned around and surveyed the silent Nevus exiting in his usual manner. He could trace the faint outline barely with his eyes, taking in the clear improvement Nevus had made. Teta had stopped teasing Nevus when he saw him walk calmly up to an alert floratine and precisely snap its neck. Nevus attained a high amount of familiarity with sneak attacks, feeling gratification at his improvement.

Alban then set his gaze on Lady, flinging his mana at her. She responded with an earth shield that crawled out of the sand, before sending him a thumbs up.

"Nice earth magic cappy! I told you you could do it!" Alban was a bit embarrassed that she exposed him so candidly. He had just gotten the grasp of the feeling of earth mana, as it was fairly different compared to fire. The feeling of earth surging through him slowed down his blood flow, instead increasing the pressure and liveliness of his blood's circulation. What's more, his crystal heart started thumping in his chest with a nice and vigorous rhythm. It was worth learning for that feeling alone.

Lady had clearly improved as well, her control allowing her to conjure up a piece of rock and shape it midair. It added a lot of variety to her attacks, being able to change a bolt of stone into a outstretched hand. She could even do the whole vine restriction thing that Alban often made use of, substituting the vines with tendrils of firm dirt.

Nevus reappeared right in front of a distracted Alban and presented a short sword sized needle. Alban took it and repaired it, inspecting the needle as he went about his work.

{Pyramid Knitting Set}

A sharp needle with a tip as sharp as a spear. The thread slung around the bottom hole is made out of vines, allowing for quick retrieval if used correctly.


Agility +3

Dexterity +2

Attack 6

He returned the needle to Nevus, while the latter took it and quickly demonstrated his swordplay. Alban didn't know how he had gotten his technique, but the piercing was accurate to the point where he was sure that he could skewer an apple off a dog's head. A small dog, just to be clear. He refocused on Lady, intending to gauge the performance of the equipment he had made for her.

{Lovely Sinkhole}

A ring with pretty green vines entwined across its brown body. Improves the efficacy of earth attacks the closer one is two the ground

Durability (14/20)

Those were the best works he had ever made. It was almost enough to make him cry at their creation, they were so good that it was a crime! He wished that the stuff he made earlier was as good as it, though he certainly felt the imps deserved it. He would soon leave after all.

It wasn't like he was never going to come back, he had just felt his limits in the area. Sure, the beach was rich with enriching mana, but the opponents left much to be desired. He only didn't know how to phrase it...he was agonizing over how the imps would react about it. Biting his tongue, he just decided to be out with it.

"Hey guys...I have to leave. I'm feeling the limits of getting stronger here, and I don't want to stop improving. Would you guys mind?"

"Nah. Go ahead boss!"

"Yeah! Go beat up things and make sure to eat good food!"

"It's only natural."

Alban's face became stormy, he felt a little unappreciated. Lady was the first to pick up on this and reassured him, alleviating his sadness.

"Um, we're all monsters right? It's normal to want to be strong and leave here when you're ready. You're ready so you should go!"

"Yeah, we can't stay here forever boss. I don't feel like I'm ready yet but we'll join you on the outside quick enough! I swear my leadership on it!"

"I'll be stronger and meet you out there, boss"

'You kids are so sweet when you want to be...' Alban felt overjoyed and hugged the three imps closely. He stayed for one last meal together and set out during the so called morning of midnight. Beneath the crimson light, he headed towards the forest. He was finally leaving the Beach Of Infancy.