The Captive Gheckla (Last)

"You murderous knave, you have extirpated my kin! Our culture will forever be pockmarked by your brutality, have you no compassion?! Answer me, you villain!"

"Okay. I don't have any compassion for a bunch of lard assed bottom feeders that enslave their own people. You got me. Can you hurry up and die now?"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Unfortunately for YOU, you disgusting verdant clathed beast, I will not be felled by your disastrous hands! For I am-"

"Actually, what even IS your name?"

"what. You can't be serious. You came here and slayed all of my people, and you don't even know my name."

"I would apologize, but I don't like you very much."



The floor around the gheckla ruptured, the cracks extending out far enough to stop just before where Alban stood. A large crashing accompanied the newly formed crevice, in which a huge nose protruded from the ground.


Alban's instincts blared at him, his mind and body abuzz with all sorts of warnings. He did not falter, ignoring the urge that lay in the back of his consciousness. The small voice called for Alban to retreat—to run away and escape from whatever was arising from the ground. But his feet held firm, while the smile that had left his face from the annoyance the gheckla was proficient at covered his countenance once again. His blood circulated faster and faster, his eyes sharpened at the point that the monster was appearing from faster and faster. His whole entire being had soon become excited, the very components of his soul crying out in glee!

"You truly are a rabid savage...I wouldn't be surprised if you came here as a tribulation from the very god who cursed my innocent kin. The very heavens cannot BEAR to witness even one of us breaking through their constraints—becoming one that could rival their judgement. It is quite sad that I shall be the only one to ascend...but I shall bring back my people from the very clutches of death itself! I swear to thee! I SHALL RULE THIS CONTINENT!"

Alban shot a sizable bolt of earth at the gheckla, all in a bid to silence the incoherent babble that spilled from his mouth. The bolt pinned the insane gheckla to the wall, preventing any sort of escape. Appreciating the stillness the lack of his voice had left, Alban took a deep breath of air before settling himself into a graceful stance. The air of ferocity emanating him raged against the area around him in full force, rousing the savage it belonged to.

It completely looked like a gecko, no humanoid appendages were in sight. On it's head lay five thin horns, arranged into a crown. It's glabella was covered in another eye, it being the only eye that looked out of place. The tail was large enough to blot out the distant moon, the surface of which was speckled with spiny ridges. A great roar had escaped it's maw, the horrible opening rivaling the size of the cyclops Alban had once carbonized. He sometimes wondered how the cyclops was.

The so called god teemed with an air of ferocity that rivaled Alban's. It was missing something very integral to the questionable human's aura, though. It lacked the refinement of a hunter, it could not replicate the fear that Alban's could inspire. Suffice to say, it wasn't enough to deter it's opponent at all, and that made the mutant gheckla feel threatened. It was the first and only time it would feel such a sensation, whether it was the victor or not.

The monster that was once sentient and was now relegated to the base instincts of an animal charged at Alban, and neither reason or intelligence could be seen in its movements. It madly swung it's tree sized palms at Alban, crushing down on the ground where it's target once stood. It had missed before it even began moving, as Alban's intent gaze locked on every movement the monster had made.

Rolling under the claw while being carried by the earth beneath him, he shot a fireball at the creature's stomach. The flames were unable to find purchase on the gigantic horned mutant's slippery skin, glancing off the firm abdomen. Alban realized that he couldn't barrage the beast without any due planning, rethinking his approach in the midst of escaping the fast approaching gut that obstructed his vision.

The ground directly below the beast was now engraved with a oval shaped indent, the ground crushed by the gecko's weight. The creature had dropped itself onto where Alban had already escaped in a frenzied attempt to get rid of the thorn in it's side, but did not feel the meaty sensation it was waiting for. Enraged by it's opponents escape, the creature's tale madly swept across the terrain, thrashing at every place it could reach.

Alban narrowly avoided the massive appendage, reinforcing his body with mana unaffiliated with any of the elements he could access. He did this in a bid to strengthen the anklet he had almost forgotten about, hoping to latch onto the tail that he couldn't elude for much longer. He was running out of space to dodge.

He hastily raised an earth platform, kicking off of the surface just in time to avoid the tail that smacked into the now outcropped earth. The platform had shattered, and some of the chunks of it narrowly missed Alban's frame. Using the earthen chunks to his advantage, he commanded whatever chunk was close enough to be controlled and formed another platform midair, kicking off of it and landing on the gecko's tail.

The vines stretched as far as they could, effectively binding Alban to the slippery surface for the time being. Alban retrieved the javelin that had been unused for some time in his inventory, impaling it in the beast's flesh. He released and retightened the vines that kept him attached to the still flinging tail, using the spear as support to move further along the gecko.

His focus was fixed on getting to the gecko's back no matter what, where he would conjure up a huge earth shard to cut off the tail he was traversing upon. Once the tail was freed from its owner, he would effectively have a place to shove all the flames he could produce at once. It wouldn't be easy to abuse that opening, but it was the only way he could move the battle along. He was basking in the struggle, sure, but he had a job to finish first and foremost.

He soon arrived at his destination, tightly gripping on to the bone spear that had brought him to this point. The restaurant was on the verge of collapsing, as only a few support beams worked hard to prevent the roof's inevitable fall. Steeling his now beating heart that pounded against his chest, he severed the tail from its body. He withdrew the spear back into his inventory before being roughly thrusted to the ground by the flailing beast, the roars from which were heard by all of the gheckla that remained. The only gheckla Gehara would soon have left.