
Dresden walked forward at his measured pace, observing the new recruits through the corner of his position. He was actually a little bit impressed. There was a young man who followed quickly in his footsteps, not making any attempts to overtake him nor fall behind. The expression this one held...Dresden found it quite promising. Whatever he could do, he was certain that the one following him the closest was the most powerful newbie they've gotten this time.

Looking further back, there was an imp-like demon that slowly flapped his wings through the air. He was lagging behind quite a bit, and the punk clearly didn't seem to care. In fact, the imp was flying with his back pointed towards the ground, with a middle finger pointed specifically at where he was staring. Dresden found it quite odd that the imp seemed to be able to tell that he was staring at him, and was slightly pissed by his audacity. Yet and still, he was quite interested in the spunky imp with a rather unique body for one of his kind.

Lastly, the blond guy somewhere in the middle of the two. He looked quite pitiful, Dresden felt rather sorry for a mocking sense. The boy seemed so much weaker than his counterparts, and he found it hilarious that not even his looks could change that. 'Kind of hard to be the pretty boy with two other pretty boys, huh?" Dresden thought to himself as he mentally cackled. Still, he was quite interested in those golden scales of his...they looked a bit yellow right now but he could tell. Quite strange, honestly.

'Alban, Teta, and Lat. Their file listed them as supposed bumpkins, but when have country hicks been so colorful? Those garish, strange tattoos on Alban that seemed to be a part of his flesh itself...he had never seen a race like him before. And an imp, that tall, with wings and NO tail? Lastly, some race that wouldn't even be worthy to sparkle his shoes, with such off looking colors...what *were* their origins?'

It wouldn't change anything for Dresden to know, but he held a curiosity for things such as this. Still, the monsters following him made no attempt to speak, and he preferred it this way. That way, he could leave his mind to focus on something actually important. His train of thought soon arrived at another line of contemplation.

Meanwhile, Alban was surveying the area they were walking through. He had noticed Dresden's cursory glance, but didn't really care about it. There was no reason for him to attempt to harm him at all, and his senses currently told him that Dresden would not be a threat currently. Currently, because Dresden was actually the strongest guy Alban has ever met so far. He could tell.

Taking in his surroundings for the nth time, the area was shaded and secluded. There was a bustling city a few miles down, visible only through the gaps in between the thick trees. Alban picked up all sorts of scents and sounds from there, and felt rather bothered by the prospect of going there.

He felt curious about what the city had to offer, although he had gotten used to more... wild areas. Free space, it was the best. Though it seemed he would have to find a way to reign in his feral urges for a long time, or at least find a better grasp on it.

The sensation of irritation brought itself to the forefront of his thoughts for a moment, before they quickly dissolved. 'It's not worth it to be angry, I just need to improve rather than waste my time. This isn't enough to piss me off, anymore.' He quickly accepted his situation, patiently awaiting the time it would take for him to adapt to it.

It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination. Before them stood a three story building much like the buildings Alban would expect on Earth...they were clearly barracks. Though they had their own Nightmare flare, garish walls with rusty red spiked surfaces, a great big door in the front with purple plants dotted around the insides of the gates, and open spaces that made it easy for fliers to access the windows. The barracks wasn't modern, but it certainly had a touch of human architecture.

Alban didn't get much time to observe the building any further, for the closed gates were right in front of him. The entryway opened while creaking as if complaining about its age, the doors gradually pointing inwards. It wasn't long before the abrupt man before him made his way inside.

Following after him without taking the time to observe his surroundings any longer, they arrived at a green door that just barely reached Dresden's height. The composed monster stepped aside and made his way out of the area surrounding the barracks. For good measure, he waved in a shooing motion, as if to tell Alban to open it himself.

Alban didn't think much of the man's behavior, merely waiting for his companions to arrive as well. Counting down the seconds in his mind, he wondered what he would have to do next. His thoughts didn't get very far before Lat appeared.

"Hey Alban, ya think they're gonna make us do busy work?" The gheckla looked apprehensive, clearly concerned about what it was they would be doing next. Alban shrugged as a reply, his expression motionless.

The nonchalant attitude made Lat scratch his cheeks awkwardly, his face wearing a perturbed smile. As his eyebrows creased together, his ears registered the steady sounds of wing flaps.

Teta landed softly on the ground, with his arms folded against his chest. Kicking at the brown ground beneath his claws, the imp used his voice to propose a notion that he had for quite a while.

"Hey boss, are you sure you don't want to just leave? Pretty sure we can get far enough away from here." The imp adopted a more subservient tone than what Lat was used to. It lacked the pride that Teta always carried, to the point where Lat thought it was a request more than a suggestion.

"Do you know the area?" A simple question was all that escaped from Alban's mouth as he opened up the door. He didn't even give Teta a chance, which surprised no one. Not even Teta would think that such a question without due reasoning would sway him, but he had to try at least once. As the two monsters behind the savage sealed themselves to their fate, they walked into the barracks.

What met their eyes was a sight they did not expect at all. The place almost seemed abandoned for the most part, though the tiles were sparkling clean. Scattered furniture cluttered the open areas, while the stairs off to their left hand side were mostly broke. In fact, the inside was completely empty. Empty if you didn't count the person standing right before them.

She was completely covered in bandages, the wrappings concealing her looks from head to toe. That was all she wore, all that could be used to identify her. The only reason they could tell she was even a woman was because of the tight wrappings accentuating her curvy figure, doing little to hide her gender. The woman soon spoke in a firm, yet sweet sounding voice.

"You may call me Snowman. Would you tell me your names?"