Prologue to a New arc

(2 years after the girls disappeared)

              It has been two years since the girl's disappearance… Each turtle was dealing with their own loss in their own way. Donnie delved into technology and research to fill his void, while he took up a 24 hour tech support call center job. Mikey… he shut people out and barely spoke. He just watched the news and moped around the lair. Leo and Raph butted heads even more with their mates gone so Splinter sent Leo to Brazil to train… while Raph's anger got worse and worse, so he took up a motorcycle hobby. Every so often Raph would take his anger out on street criminals and the occasional purple dragons.

         As for the girls….Gwen and Ana ended up being from the same universe while Liz and Vicky were from opposite sides of the same universe.

           Although these four women were separated by time and space… they were witches and nothing is impossible for a witch. They would communicate through an ancient method of mirror magic and agreed that the alignment of kekins stars should allow enough magic for them to travel to the men that they love… they just hoped that all had not been lost in the time they have been away.


[author notes:] ok so this is to explain the next chapter and its setting... it hurt to separate the girls from the turtles but this is how the story happens and to progress they have to have this trial... I hope you understand. thanks and may the force be with the join the dark side... we have cookies 🍪 😋