The three of them were enjoying their refreshments at Kenji's room when Matthew knocked, "Young masters may I have a word please?"

David opened the door, "Quit the titles, Matt. You know the three of us hate those."

"My apologies," he began. "Joe, Madame Lila requests you to come to her office right away."

"Why?" she asked. "That was odd. Am I in trouble?"

Matt shook his head, "I do not think so. She said she wanted you to meet someone. The chauffeur is already waiting for you at the front."

"Oh! All right," she said and waved goodbye to the guys. "I'll see you later, Kenji."

Kenji gave him a wide smile and nodded in response.

"How about me?" David asked.

"What do you mean, how about you? I always see you, jerk," she teased and chuckled as she ran out fast.

"That's right… you'd better run!!!" he yelled and rushed to the door. Then, he looked back at Kenji and shook his head.

"The two of you never changed," Kenji commented.

David chuckled. "Where do you want to go today?" he asked.

"Let's go out and play pool," Kenji answered.

"Okay. What are the terms?" David asked.

Kenji thought for a bit before he answered, "If I win, you'll buy me a sports car of my choice with your first salary at JC Industries."

"And if I win?" David asked.

"I'll pay for all your wedding expenses."

David laughed, "Deal."


The cousins just finished their game. Kenji won. Currently, they were at a high society bar. The two of them just got out from being minors last year and because of their family name were treated with the greatest respect and service. They were drinking a glass of Martini when their conversation led to women.

"When I fall in love, it will be forever," Kenji said.

David's forehead wrinkled. "Wasn't that a song? And don't get innocent with me, I heard you were a player," he said.

Kenji smirked, "It is somewhat right. They do know though that there were no strings attached."

David chuckled. "What happened to the shy kid before?"

Kenji shrugged. "How about you?"

"I'll start dating when I see someone likable," he said.

"So, the cold, mysterious, quiet, handsome facade is still your act to this day?" Kenji asked and chuckled.

David nodded, "It is safe that way."

"You told me Joe was stalked by a girl?" Kenji wanted to be sure.

David nodded again.

Kenji sighed discreetly. "Do you think she likes girls?" he asked without looking at him but sipping the wine.

David looked at him and was reflective for a while, "Well… maybe she does, but the Madame would not allow that."

Kenji nodded and smiled.

"Why did you ask?"

"Just curiosity. She might like one of my girls," he lied.

David laughed, "She would not dare."

"I hope so," Kenji replied. That was the truth.

They were still talking about Joe when a beautiful woman in a red dress sat beside Kenji, "Hi… you're new here?"

Kenji looked at her and smirked, "Sorry, I don't talk to strangers."

The woman smiled seductively, "The name is Ashley."

Kenji smiled back and nodded, "Kenji."

"Nice name," she flirted.

"Same," he flirted back.

Ashley put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "Having fun?"

Kenji smirked, "I guess now, I am."

She beamed. "Cool… wanna dance?"

Kenji chuckled but shook his head. 'Too easy,' he told himself. "Not now, sweetheart. Maybe next time," he told her.

"I'll give you my number then," the w


She took a business card from her purse and handed it to him, "Call me…"


She smiled, definitely content. Then, she left.

David chuckled and shook his head, "So is that how you pick up women?"

Kenji smiled, "Maybe…"

"Very sleek… so are you going to call her?" David was suddenly curious.


"Why not?"

"She's older than me. I'm not interested in older women. They tend to act bossy."

David chuckled. The bartender gave David another glass of wine.

"I did not ask for one yet," he said confused.

"I know sir, but the lady right there in black ordered it for you," he said.

David looked at where the bartender was pointing. He saw her smile and raised a glass. David scoffed and looked at the bartender. "Give me another glass of Martini," he said.

The bartender obeyed. David took it and sipped, completely ignoring the one given to him.

"So that is how you attract girls," Kenji teased and looked at the lady in black. She sighed disappointed. "Cool…"

"I just don't like it when girls do something like that," David replied when his phone rang. It was Joe.

"What is it?" he asked after picking up the phone.

"Where are you? Why is it too loud in the background?" she asked.

"I'm with Kenji. Why? What is it?"

"Save me!!!" she exclaimed.

"Huh? What happened?" he stood up immediately and then asked worriedly.

"Is she all right?" Kenji asked. His face also showed his worriness.

David looked and motioned for him to wait. "What happened Joe?"

"I'm at a beauty consultant's salon and they are putting wigs on my head. They said they will be putting makeup on me later on," she quickly told him.

"WHAT?!!!! Why did you end up there?" David raised his voice.

"The Madame brought me here. I am hiding in the restroom because she made her guards guard me until the consultant was done with me. Help me!!!" she tattled.

"Where is that?"

"At the Torrence's."

"I know where is that," he said. "I'll be there. Wait for me. Stall them." Torrence is the best beauty consultant at Chiness.

"I will. But, hurry!!!!"

"I'm on my way," he said and hung up.

Kenji, seeing the urgency of the matter, paid their bill and the two of them exited the bar. They got in David's car, and as the engine was revved up, David stepped on the gas and they were at full speed.

"What is going on?" Kenji asked again.

David did not answer. He just stepped on the gas.

Upon seeing where they were, Kenji crossed his arms and shook his head. He followed his cousin inside and they saw Joe on a salon chair.

"Torrence, there is an emergency. Mother said Joe would just come back some other time. Let's go, Joe," David quickly said.

Torrence nodded, "Anytime David. All right Joe, we'll be having the session some other time."

Joe faked a smile and quickly took off "Thanks for understanding. I'll see you next time," she lied as she immediately took a towel and quickly walked out the place.

Kenji opened the backseat door for her. She quickly walked in and wiped off the make-up on her face.

"Are you all right?" David asked her.

"Now, I am," she responded with relief.

"Why are you so scared? Girls would be dying to go to that place. And YOU are a girl," Kenji commented.

"Thank you Kenji for sympathizing with my misery," she replied with every word dripping with sarcasm.

Kenji laughed.

"What were you doing at the bar anyways?" she asked.

"How did you know?" David asked.

"I may not be as smart as you but I am not that naïve, jerk."

Kenji laughed, "I was looking for pretty girls," he said and looked at her. "Since you don't want to be ladylike, I guess I just have to look for another one myself."

Joe blew some of the strands of her hair that was poking her eye upward, "You're such a pervert, Ken."

Kenji smirked, "Appreciating beauty is not an act of perversity."

"Yeah… yeah… yeah…" she responded unconvinced.

"What did you call him?" David asked.

"What?" she asked back.

"What did you just call Kenji?"


"She called me Ken," Kenji replied.

"Hey, how come you don't have nicknames for me? And I am your BEST FRIEND."

Kenji chuckled. If he did not know better, he would have thought that David is in love with Joe.

"What do you mean? You want me to call you Dave? But I have better nicknames for you, remember? Jerk, Pervert, Idiot…There."

Kenji looked at the two squabbling. They do look like lovers. He scrunched his forehead. 'Couldn't it be possible that one of them is in love with the other? If that were possible, who would that person be?' He looked at both of them once more. Both have the same expression.