Chapter 13

That night Trish's phone call was more of a puzzle to her.

"Shake my head...what did you just say?"

Charm surprisingly asked Trisha on the phone. "Its Mr Simon...his the one that Brought in the Rache app...i did some background check on his account and I saw that it was him...but it looks like a secret account or something.. Let me send you the link to his account" she cut the call...and shortly after Charm got the message with the Link..." She thought of what to do...then suddenly getting an idea... She typed. "Am gonna create a pseudo accct...and chat him up...."


She sent him a chat.

He was online but it took awhile before he could reply...

"Hello please who is this?"

She went straight to the point..."Am looking for a Revenge Goddess....I would like to have one"

There was a long pause...after he saw the message...but then he replied later..

"Charming Smith..... learning about her would never help you "

Her shock hit her hard....she didn't know that he would figure her out. So she immediately told Trish.

After classes the next day...Charm decided to Confront Mr Simon...

She went into his Class after making sure that he was alone.

She stood beside the door and worked on her Morale. She was about to step in...but then She heard Mr Simon's voice...

"You can come in...Miss Smith"

She turned slowly...and stepped in. Mr Simon seemed to be expecting her cause from the way he was... Leaning on his desk...while facing the Door ...Charm knew he was expecting.

"Have a seat ... Charm"

"No sir ...I rather stand"

He smiled at her...the type of smile Charm had never seen him give her was so dubious so firm....Soo scary.

"Get to the point..." He spoke finally

Still leaning on the desk.

Charm didn't waste anytime." I need to find out more about Rache ...I made a deal with her that I want to back out from"

He didn't show any it was hard to read his face or guess what he might be thinking... Charm just held on to the single thread of boldness in her. He shook his head finally...Then taking a blank paper...he took his pen and put a dot in the middle of the paper..after awhile he handed it over to Charm.

She stared at him then at the paper..."what's this?"

He smiled... and asked gently "what do you see in that paper?"

Charm wondered if ...Mr Simon was okay...or if it was a Magic trick of some sort...she decided to reply..

"I see a black dot..."

He looked dissatisfied and asked one more time "is that the only thing you see?...Look carefully"

Charm looked at the paper again

In contempt...she was here for Rache not some silly dot and paper game...Controlling herself...once more she replied slowly "it's just the dot...Sir"

He stretched out his hand in other to collect the paper and she handed it to him.

After dropping it he replied. "That's just how your life is...Charm...that black dot is the flaw in your life that you only choose to see....but you ignore the bright side... the white part of the paper...for just that part. Rache has done what you you a new beginning...A wonderful expected ending....What would knowing about her do?....Go home and do as your told... Don't waste your time...on ...."

"But Mr Simon who are you to her exactly?"

"His my disciple...." Charm looked at the other end of the class and saw Rache sitting on one of the Chairs...

"And that's all you need to know..."

Ushering me out of his Class...Mr Simon shut the door.

"Hey..." She heard someone call her name as she Stepped outside the was Scott.

"I was going to see my wondering if you would like to come?"

Charm Smiled at him...."Ofcourse...I will"

After getting into his Car...They got to the hospital... Scott's Dad was still pretty much in a they both stood before his bed ... without saying anything...After a while...Scott asked Charm if she would like to Go to the garden again. Charm wanted a release so she agreed.

They were lying down on the grass...staring at the sun..feeling the wind rush through them... Scott after awhile sat up and stared at Charm.. she laughed coyly "what are you looking at?"


Shaking her head she sat up too.

"One of My favorite Indian Poets... Vimal Gupta..."Scott spoke still staring at her..." Once wrote that unconditional love isn't Hell...but a feeling of Heaven Even when you're in hell..."

Charm shifted ...she remmembered those lines...She knew it was the time...But she kept quiet as he continued "The feeling to give but not to have forcefully...The feeling to give but not expecting it back ever...feelings that lingers ... when two persons wait for each other forever...

even after saying no to each other..

feeling of being afraid of losing ..even when u know that...

the person isn't and never was yours...

the feeling that stays when u see the person smile and get the damn vibes of joy in yourself..

the love in which the more you hide your feelings, the more they develop...but never try to emerge in front of the person. The love in which u don't love everything about the person..

but u love the way they are....That's unconditional Love"

Charm took a sharp breath..."He had a selfless point of view towards love...."

Scott took her arm...and for a second Charm was completely flushed but regained her composure.

"Is something wrong?..." She asked him...

Scott still holding her hand replied slowly "it's started with a silly crush....She came to my mind daily...I dreamt of her...I yearned for her...She was just the...She was the only good thing that had happened to me....That is happening to me...I don't talk to her much...but little moments with her feels like a lifetime best experience...she is deep rooted in the things she believes in...the things that come out of her lips...are what most girls don't speak...or think... She's different..."

Charm faked clueless..."Who is She?"

"You" he replied immediately without holding back...Charm was expecting this...but she didn't know it would feel like before.....she was flustered and stared at him In surprise...She couldn't reply to his searching eyes...She couldn't reply at all...She needed a push... he continued.

"That night you came out just to comfort me...when I needed a friend the most.....It showed me that losing you would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me..." she wanted to cut him short.

"It's not that easy Scott..."