[Chapter 3]

Clapping and clasping my hand together with a grin on my face, I instantly teleported from the front of my door.

Having arrive in a random location in Harlem, I looked around searching for where the fight might be.

Didn't take long since there was loud noises consisting of smashing and crashing sounds from nearby buildings from a distance.

I decided to fly towards the direction and arrived, hands in my pockets, watching two big bulky creatures fighting each other to the death. One being the green dude on TV. And a new one being bald, naked, noticable spikes from the back of his spine, and pretty much all around ugly. Couldn't have the decency to put on pants? Take notes from big green.

But despite being ugly, it seems a lot more powerful than big green.

[Gojo]: "Hooh~ they both are emitting a very strange form of radiation. The green one, while taking quite a beating is slowly getting stronger little by little. What fun~"

Landing on the ground, I notice there are people in trouble due to the destroyed buildings and debris. So I quickly made my way to each person, blasted the debris away, then took every civilian to a very far distance from the two big boy's brawl. A lot of civilians were very confused to have found themselves in a different location from where they originally were, some caught a glimpse of their blindfolded savior and thanked them in there hearts with tears in their eyes.

[Gojo]: 'I'm not some hero or something. But I'd probably end up in a bad mood if I willingly watched normal civilians die as a byproduct of a brawl between monsters. But I did notice a lot of the people were rooting for big green. Seems they call him the Hulk. Makes sense seeing as big, bald, and ugly is intentionally harming the people around him as a distraction for the Hulk. Maybe I should step in now.'

After finishing my thoughts I made my way between the two big boy's with my hands in my pockets. And they noticed me. After a short moment of silence the ugly baldy spoke.

[Abomination]: "What is a blind brat doing here?" He said with a slight smirk, which only got wider as he now has another hostage to distract the hulk with. "Not that it matters really, tough luck kid, get over here!"

He charges straight for me but just before he reaches me, his face is met with a mean punch to the face by the hulk. He was to distracted by the fact that I could've been a good target to throw off the hulk to notice the fist that had already met his face.

Abomination, having been off guard, was blasted a few meters away. He seems to have been provoked by that punch and charges towards the Hulk. The Hulk responds with a charge of his own. But then-

[Gojo]: "Ah ah~ this is my fight now green. You had your turn~" I suddenly appeared between both of them again as they were about to clash, but we're stopped in their tracks due to an unknown force. My 'Limitless'.

Ignoring their shocked expressions, I looked towards the Hulk and smirked before putting my left hand on him. He seemed confused at first but was shocked to find himself having been blasted away miles away.

Abomination was left speechless as he didn't expect me, a blindfolded kid, who didn't seem like he knew who the Hulk or he himself were. Abomination suddenly shivered, taking him out of his dumbfounded state, only to see me looking at him, eyes covered by the black blindfold, but nothing was hiding my blood-thirsty grin.

I then punched Abomination in his stomach and he was sent a few miles away. Crashing on to the ground and attempted to get back up.

[Abomination]: "Eugh!" He grunts from the pain in his stomach.

[Gojo]: "Ah ah~ ain't done yet~" I said with an jolly yet terrifying tone in my voice, much to Abomination's horror.

Before he could recuperate, I instantly appeared in front of his kneeling figure, much to his surprise at my speed. But before he could fight back in someway, I landed an uppercut straight to his chin, sending him many stories high in the air. As he's yelling from the pain in his chin, eyes squinting, and his hands trying to comfort the pain. I appear once again above him and kick him in the chest, straight to the ground.

Causing a loud boom to erupt where he instantly crashed landed after getting kicked. He found himself stuck in a large, deep crater that spread a few miles in a wide radius. Coughing blood, he was about to lose conscious he noticed a shadow covering over him. He braced himself but looked and found that Gojo wasn't there anymore. Instead he found Hulk staring him down.

Hulk having made his way back saw Abomination stuck in a crater and without bothering trying to figure out why he was in there or where that blindfolded kid went, he pounded Abomination to a bloody pulp, constantly raining down punches on to him along with loud war cries. Well, more like yelling like a beast as he attacked his prey.

Abomination died looking like an even worse abomination. Much to my enjoyment as I watched the Hulk do it, floating in the air above them with my hands in my pockets.

Seeing that people were making their way to the scene along with the military, I decided to just leave as I didn't want to be bothered.

[Gojo]: "Well I had fun green. See you around."

He seemed to have noticed me and looked up towards me, watching as I clapped and clasped my hands together and instantly disappeared from his sight, leaving him dazed a bit before recovering as people were coming.


(Back home) - 8:20 PM

I arrived in front of my door, right where I was when I left.

Walking back in, I decided to take a shower, change my clothes to a loose, dark-gray outfit consisting of an XXL T-shirt and sweat shorts. I went back to my recliner and fell asleep.