While Liao Ping walked down the stairs of Crimson Dragon Peak, his juniors had both reached Level 10 of Qi-Gathering. "We did it!" said Ma Shu as she embraced Gao Shi from behind and started tickling her, "Stop! *laughs* Stop it! *laughs* Ma Shu!" Gao Shi cried. Hu Tu even though blinded was hearing his disciples disturbing each other and let the noise flow in and out of his ears, "*sigh* White Claw, what do you wanna do today?" asked Hu Tu. White Claw turned around and showed Hu Tu its back then started napping again like it was still in the forest of eerie. He smacked White Claw's head, "YOu-Whatever, here's your meal for the day," 'I really hope that my eldest disciple will be too busy to notice that there has been a decrease in the animal population around his hut' then Hu Tu headed out and toward the missions pavilion to see if he could find any useful missions for his latest disciples.
He and Liao Ping coincidentally met up at the missions pavilion, "Disciple, it seems that you've made some good progress" "Master, I have reached golden core!" "That's good, but you better not think that you're the best in the world" "Why?" "True Bigshots are people who have a cultivation base of the Traversing Mortal Realm" "...." "The Traversing Mortal Realm-" "okay, okay, that's enough master, I won't become conceited just because I have talent" "That's good then, but if you do become conceited, your master will be the first to teach you a lesson that's unforgettable!" "I got to do something for Elder Tyrant so I'll see you later, Master!" 'Master's irises look like they're almost nonexistent within his eyes' thought Liao Ping as he headed toward Bronze Dragon Peak.
'He's probably noticed that my eyes have gone blind, but I don't regret it at all' thought Master Hu Tu as he continued looking around for some easy and acceptable missions for his latest disciples.
Elder Tyrant has stopped cultivating himself temporarily in pursuit of writing calligraphy for someone special in his heart. "How does Disciple Ping do this?" mumbled Elder Tyrant as he compared his and Disciple Ping's calligraphy. "*Sigh*, I'll try again one more time! Just for her!" mumbled Elder Tyrant as he got back to improving his calligraphy skills. The other Elders were taking glances at him and the pieces of paper lying on the table, they wanted to make an inquire but didn't have to confidence to face the wrath of Elder Tyrant.
Liao Ping goes straight to his hut and activates the arrays that lock himself in and the array that shields his hut from others. He takes out his notes and checks what he has to do first, "Let's see, first, I have to paint a painting of Auntie-Master Ruogang and Elder Tyrant, second, Make a poem that can reflect their relationship-" mumbled Liao Ping as he kept talking to himself and reading through the list of notes that he had complied. After a few hours of thinking and brainstorming, he organizes his notes into categories labeled-the most important, definitely important, can be put off currently, not urgent but will be, and can be done another day. He then takes out his painting supplies and tools then starts to roughly sketch out three canvas' for his choosing.
The first rough sketch has Elder Tyrant and Auntie-Master Ruogang holding hands with things that represented them on their corresponding sides, the second rough sketch has Auntie-Master Ruogang and Elder Tyrant sitting together with Auntie-Master Ruogang in Elder Tyrant's arms, and the third rough sketch has Auntie-Master Ruogang and Elder Tyrant sitting together but their backs are leaning against each other. "Phew, this took a lot of thought but I think that I got the best portrayal of them as a couple, *sigh* now onto the poem then I'll paint" mumbled Liao Ping as he got himself a wooden cup and poured himself a glass of water.
While Liao Ping was moving on the poetry, his master returned to Bronze Dragon Peak and had his juniors go do a relatively easy mission. "This mission will be your first of many that I will find for you until you reach the 1st Level of Foundation establishment" "Mm" "This is gonna be easy," "Don't think that the cultivation world is so simple and that your senior brother will always have your back" "We won't!" "I'll remind Ma Shu again, later" then they headed off to buy some materials for an inner court disciple who was too lazy to buy them. Hu Tu then headed back to his hut and continued cultivating in silence but he would from time to time stop cultivating to try to bond with White Claw.
Liao Ping put down the brush and stopped writing to cultivate himself for the day since he knew that he would be staying up past his curfew for a few days. After a couple of hours of cultivating, his physique had just stabilized at the 2nd Level of Marrow Casting. "Let's finish this last stanza before going to paint" mumbled Liao Ping as he got up from his wooden bed.
Ma Shu and Gao Shi were walking through a clearing when they saw a little girl appear a couple of meters ahead of them. "G-Gao Shi, what's that?!" "I think that's a Hungry ghost" "A-A Hungry ghost? This is bad, we've not been taught properly yet and this mission was supposed to be easy" "Let's try to go back" "Right! Let's go back" they turn around and see the little girl is exactly a couple of meters away from them.
"Will you play with me?" asked the little girl.
They didn't know what to say so they stayed silent. "Will you play with me?" asked the little girl. Eventually, they ran even though they knew that their attempt would either anger the hungry ghost or end up as a futile endeavor.
Quan Zhi was strolling ahead of Xing Hua who was rambling on and on about how her older sister would be proud of her, etc, etc, until Quan Zhi's divine sense saw a particularly interesting scene, "Interesting," mumbled Quan Zhi as he started heading in their direction after seeing a hungry ghost trailing behind them. Quan Zhi's sudden change in direction caught Xing Hua off guard and she quickly went after him since she had heard of the rumors surrounding the forests of Fallen star town.
Ma Shu and Gao Shi were running for their lives from a hungry ghost who was trailing behind them. They both knew that their stamina was running out so they decided to make a backup plan that involved one running away whilst the other stayed behind to cover for the one running away. "Sister Gao Shi, hurry up and run! I'll stay back to cover for you!" "No! Sister Ma Shu, I'll cover for you so that you'll make it back to master and senior brother!" Ma Shu was pushed by Gao Shi even though she was unwilling to leave her sister behind. "Sister Gao Shi, I'll bring master and senior brother to come to help you if you're still alive" mumbled Ma Shu as she ran. Gao Shi turned around and before she could do anything she heard, "Will you play with me?"
"Sure, little girl can you turn around for me?" replied Quan Zhi. She turned around and looked at him then asked again for affirmation, "Will you really play with me?" "Yes, I will as long as you want but I'll need to do something first" then he turned toward Gao Shi and said, "Leave, while you have the chance" then he went up to the little girl and grabbed her hand before walking away with her whilst chatting to her about things that she might be interested in after playing with him. "When I become an immortal, I'll bring you back to life so that you can see all the fun and happiness that someone your age can see" "Really? You aren't lying right?" "No, I have a friend who's been following me ever since I saved her and she talks a lot, so I'll give you a friend to talk to, you'll just have to wait for a bit until I become an immortal" "Well if you're not lying then Pinky Promise" "Pinky Promise" "What's your name?" "My name's Quan Zhi, what's yours?" "Mine's Xian Yu" "That's a sad name, but when I bring you back to the life you'll have me your big brother, and your older sister to take care of you" he then took out a ghost-related immortal item and had her stay inside to sleep until he became an immortal.
Gao Shi had already left the scene when Xing Hua arrived. "*Huff*,*Huff*, that fellow runs too fast,*Huff*" She had just turned when she saw a little girl disappear into an item that Quan Zhi was holding. "W-What did you just do to that little girl!?!" "Oh? You've finally caught up, and she's not your business" then he started heading toward his goal, reaching the forest of eerie to reclaim his domain that had remained since his death, all those millennias' ago when he was a sword immortal.