Chapter 17-What's going on?

Liao Ping went to the missions pavilion and handed over the poem that he made about their relationship. He also showed Elder Tyrant the three paintings to choose from for their anniversary, "Elder Tyrant, I painted three paintings that showcase you and Auntie-Master Ruogang together I want you to choose the best of the three that represents you and Auntie-Master Ruogang" said Liao Ping as he twirled the painting brush in his hand. "Hm, I'll choose all of them, that won't be a problem, right?" asked Elder Tyrant after thinking for a bit. "No, not at all, they are all great whether it's the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd painting, but I would choose the 2nd painting," replied Liao Ping as he pointed to the paintings one by one with the painting brush. "I'm still going with my choice; Do you think that my calligraphy has improved?" asked Elder Tyrant as he took out his and Disciple Ping's calligraphy papers. "Your calligraphy has improved a lot, Elder Tyrant, but you should be asking that question to Auntie-Master Ruogang!" replied Liao Ping as he started putting back the paintings into his storage treasure. "You may now leave, or you can accompany me to see Disciple Xu Huo and your Auntie-Master Ruogang," said Elder Tyrant as he put away the pieces of calligraphy. "I'll accompany you to see Brother Huo and Auntie-Master Ruogang," replied Liao Ping.

They then left the mission's pavilion and headed toward Crimson Dragon Peak. When they reached the top of the stairs, Elder Tyrant and Liao Ping separated from each other to do their own things. 'I wonder what Xu Huo's been doing,' thought Liao Ping as he walked toward Xu Huo's hut.

Xu Huo was currently laying against the wall of his hut. He thought about how he got himself in this situation.

[Yao Xinya had woken up right after Liao Ping left and they were together in the hut, so she defended herself whilst he tried explaining the situation, "L-listen to me! My friend and I were only helping you in passing and we weren't gonna-" "Y-y-your trying to assault me! You lying! You brought me to your home!" yelled Yao Xinya as she started taking out her sword. As much as Xu Huo tried to talk to her, she would send out qi blades to attack him and never let him get close to the hut. Eventually, Xu Huo's master came out and handled the situation.

Auntie-Master Ruogang made Yao Xinya and Xu Huo stay in the same hut by saying, "You two will stay, in the same hut, until you've both reconciled with each other!" then she used her qi to seal off their cultivation bases and closed the door of the hut.]

Throughout the time Liao Ping was visiting Crismon Dragon Peak/busying himself with Auntie-Master Ruogang's request, Xu Huo and Yao Xinya were either arguing, silently busying themselves, eating food together, or sleeping with their backs to each other.

As Liao Ping opened the door, he saw Xu Huo laying against the wall and the female called Senior Sister Xinya huddling on the bed. "Xu Huo, what happened to you? Why is Daoist Xinya in your hut? Were you two in a relationship already?" asked Liao Ping. "We're not in a relationship and are you this idiot's friend? Is the Auntie-Master going to unseal my cultivation base?" asked Yao Xinya as she looked up from her huddled position. "Brother Ping, why are you here? Can you save me from her!" asked Xu Huo as he pointed to Yao Xinya as he moved farther from her. "It's your master's and Elder Tyrant's anniversary/date. I can't do anything since I'm only here to accompany Elder Tyrant," said Liao Ping.

"Can you go to my master and plead for me!" asked Xu Huo. "If she already told you the reason why your cultivation bases are sealed, then just comply with her wishes," said Liao Ping. He then left the hut after making some food for them whilst saying to Xu Huo, "Auntie-Master Ruogang said that she wanted to try some of my cooking after you told her so this is your chance to make up for your mistake which was bringing Daoist Xinya to the sect." said Liao Ping.

After Liao Ping left, the two people silently ate then headed back to their respective areas in the hut. Xu Huo wanted to make some small talk with Daoist Xinya but stopped himself when he saw her going to sleep, so he got up and headed toward the Red Pavilion even though he might be punished by Master Ruogang.

As Liao Ping was talking to Xu Huo and Daoist Xinya, Elder Tyrant was with Auntie-Master Ruogang at the Red Pavilion. "Ruogang, do you like the calligraphy I made?" asked Elder Tyrant as he took out his calligraphy paper. "Xinyue did Disciple Ping make you practice calligraphy? I remember when I saw your calligraphy skills a few centuries ago it was horrible," mused Ruogang as her words stirred up Elder Tyrant's memories.

[Elder Tyrant was trying calligraphy but didn't put any effort into it. He continued doing this for a while until he heard, "How can you be calligraphing with such effort! You should've made slow strokes and used ample ink, but no you used a lot of ink and made quick strokes even though you're a beginner!" said Mao Ruogang as she chided Elder Tyrant.

"Mao Mao, I'm just trying my hand at calligraphy, you don't have to be so upset," said Elder Tyrant as he put down the writing brush.

"Don't call me Mao Mao! Since you are just trying calligraphy then I'll join you in doodling *sigh*" said Mao Ruogang as she took out a piece of paper and writing brush.]

Liao Ping saw the Red Pavilion and Elder Tyrant alongside Auntie-Master Ruogang. He made his way to them and started taking out his supplies for cooking. As he started cooking, he saw that they were slowly coming out of the reverie so he said, "Auntie-Master Ruogang, Elder Tyrant, I am going to cook for you since Xu Huo suggested this when I visited him a few minutes ago," then he continued cooking whilst Auntie-Master Ruogang and Elder Tyrant chatted about cultivation and hobbies.

Xu Huo had just reached the periphery of the Red Pavilion when he saw his master and Elder Tyrant talking together whilst Brother Ping was cooking.