Chapter 8: Meeting Master?

When Kiran got home the Kids were still out. "Ada are the kids ok?" Said Kane. "Yeah they are fine. They should wake up any time." Kane was relived. An hour later the kids were starting to wake up. "Ow. That hurt." Said Ryz. Kiran and Kane ran over to him. "Hey Ryz how are you feeling?" "Like I got kicked in the head." He looked beside him and his sister was still out. "Is Zel going to be ok?" "Yeah Ada said you both were fine. You could wake up any time." Said Kane. A few minutes later Zel woke up. "Hmm. Ow. Brother are you ok?" said Zel. "Yeah I'm fine. How are you feeling?" "A little headache I'll live." Then Kane said, "The man told me to tell you something. He said when you woke up to go to the cave where your master lived or he will come to the village himself." "I have a feeling I know who it is." Said Zel in a hoarse voice. She got up and almost fell when her brother caught her. "Thanks Ryz." "There are only 2 people who know us. Since master is gone it can be only one person. He is masters son Carrick." "So when do we leave?" Said Ryz. "Hold on there you two. You will need someone to go with you. Kiran how are you feeling?" Said Kane. "I feel fine. Thanks for asking. It would help if Talon came with us though." Said Kiran. "So there will be 5 of us then." Said Kiran. "Make that 6 I'm coming too. I can't see my brother getting killed I have to protect him." Said Hazel. "Ok but now one else goes got it? I'll let father know to watch Fawn. Ada can you do that?" "Yes yes now go. Get going so you can get back." "All right Ada. Take care." "Don't get yourselves killed." "Hahah Thanks Ada we will try not too." Said Kiran. So we headed off to the siblings masters old place.

While they were walking, Kiran said, "Hey sis. Did you figure out your problem enough to come with us?" "I can control it enough to the point I can. If I do anything to hurt anyone I want you to kill me. If I kill someone I want you to kill me. I want you to hold me back so I don't harm anyone." "Sis just what exactly happens at night?" "Uh I guess you should know if I want you to stop me. My hair turns black I look goth and I have these crazy powers and long nails. I go crazy and my body is asleep so I when I wake up I don't remember what happened." "Well its good to know then. I always wanted to see you in goth clothes." Said Talon. "Hey Talon. Really? How are you kids doing?" "A little tired but we will be fine. We have to pass through our village to get to the cave." Said Zel. "Oh is that so? I hope it will be friendly and not bad." Said Kiran. "Oh it will be fine. Depending on who is the Elder now." Said Ryz. "Yeah your right." Said Zel.

They were almost to the village when Zel stopped. Everyone kept going until they noticed her. Ryz ran over to her and said, "You ok sis?" No response she was in a daze. "Hey sis. Sis. Zel!" The others noticed something going on so they ran over as well. "What's going on Ryz?" said Kane. "She won't talk. Somethings wrong." Kiran went over and checked her out. "She seems fine. She is probably in shock from the fire that happened. She is scared to go back I am sure." Said Kiran. Kane went over. "Hey Zel. I was there too remember. I survived I'm ok. Your brother and I are ok. You have Kiran, Talon and Hazel with you as well. You are not alone." Zel ran over to Kane and hugged him tight. He patted her back. "Its ok Zel. Everything is going to be fine." She cried for awhile then they were back off to the village.

Once they were back in the village, things seemed different. "Kane we need to go to the elder. We need to find out what is going on." Said Ryz. "Lets go. When we get there Kiran and I will go in ok? If we need help we will call for Talon and Hazel. You kids stay out of the fight if we need one ok?" "Yes sir." Said Ryz.

They got to the Elder and Kane went in. "Hello elder. My name is Kane. Kane Reva." "I see so you survived after all. That's good I can use you." Said the Elder. "Wait a minute. We can't stay. We were told by a hooded man to head over to a certain cave." "Oh so that is where you all are headed. Too bad I could have used you. Well since you got orders from him, proceed." Said the elder. "Wait are you taking orders from him?" "Haha you will find out soon enough when you get there." So Kane came out and said, "Well I guess we will continue our journey then." "Wait what happened in there?" Said Ryz. "I really wonder myself what was going on." So we walked on towards to where the cave is.

We finally got to the mountain that we were supposed to get to. Now we need to go up to find the cave. A few hours later they found the cave. "Here it is guys." Said Ryu. "Ok you guys should stay out here. If we need you we will call you." Said Zel. "Ok we will wait out here." Said Kiran. So they did just that.

The kids went inside and Ryu said, "Hello. We are here. You wanted to see us?" "Oh good. You are alive and well. I hoped I wouldn't kill you." Said the hooded man. "Zelton? Is that you?" said Zel. "(Sigh) No I'm not Zelton. Don't be surprised or scared to see my face ok?" Ryu and Zel were already curious. They nodded their heads. "Ok then." He slowly and hesitantly took his hood down. "No. No way." Said Ryu. Then he ran off leaving his sister. The others didn't see him because he used another route. "(Sigh) Is that brother of yours going to be ok?" said the man. "Y-yes he will be fine. Is that really you master?" "Yes its me. Sorry about the condition I'm in. Want me to go after your brother?" "No if you excuse me I will do it." "OK well before that you can tell your friends they can come in then." "OK thank you." She told everyone they were welcome to go in and that she had to find her brother. She knew where he might have gone. So they went in and talked with the man.

Zel went to the place her brother always went to and found him there. She went over and said, "Brother?" "Huh? Oh hi sis. Come on. Sit next to me." She sat next to Ryz and he started talking. "I'm sorry I left you there sis. I was just shocked. I saw your face too sis. I know you were surprised as well." "Yes I was. I wanted to do the same as you did. I held back doing it though. Then I wanted to hug him but instead went to find you. Should we go back? The others might be worried." "(Sigh) I guess so. Lets go sis." So they walked back to the cave.

They finally walked back in the cave and saw their master talking with the others like old buddies. "Hello master." Said Ryz. "Oh hello Ryzono and Zelda." Said Master. "Its Ryz and Zel Master get it in your head please." Said Ryz. "Oh right sorry." "So you feeling better?" "Not Quite." Master stood up and Ryz punched him in the gut. Then he started yelling what he wanted to say. "You idiot. What have you been doing all this time letting us think you were dead." Then tears started falling. "Now you show up after all these years? Why now? What after all these years you show up now. Do you know what we have gone through when you died? We were scared and alone. We had to fend for ourselves. Now you're here don't ever leave us again got that?!" Then he ran over and hugged their old master for awhile. "Its ok kid. Your ok now." He said while patting Ryz head. "Come here. You too Zel." She ran over as well and started crying cause they missed him.

After awhile things were starting to finally calm down. "So master. Have you heard anything from your brother Zelton?" "That was actually my main goal to find him, but I haven't yet." Then Zel spoke. "Master was it you who really fought with us to get us to come here?" "Huh what do you mean? Is that why you are here? Someone told you?" "Then it must have been Zelton! He was the one we fought." "Wait are you saying my brother is here?" Then Kane spoke. "We don't really know who it was. He was hooded like you. Apparently there was a sound only they could hear because their body is half metal. It knocked them out for 2 days. He told the kids to come here. Maybe he knew you were alive and wanted the kids to know." "Hmm. I guess. If that is the case he must be hanging around the mountains somewhere then. Kids I see you have got a good family now. I know I am back and all but I think it would be best for you to stay with them. It would be a lot more comfortable then living in a cave." "Actually sir. There are a few houses that aren't being used. We would be happy if you came and checked our village out. I know you may not be a half demon but there are plenty of other humans or half human animal creatures everywhere." Said Kiran. "I guess I'll take a look. If you don't mind me joining you back." "No come on Master we would love too." They walked off toward the Half demon village.

Hours later they finally got back to the village. "I can show you around while I'm on my way home." Said Talon. "Ok sounds good. See you all later." "Oh yeah why don't we meet at the park later? Talon you know the park right?" Said Kiran. "Yeah sure. He can stay at my place for the time being." "Ok have fun. Talon be nice ok?" said Hazel. "Whose not nice?" Said Talon. "Sorry about them. Kiran and Hazel are my siblings." "Ah I thought as much."

"Honey I'm home. How are the kids?" "Oh good your home. Kids go jump on daddy." The kids can now walk since they will be 1 pretty soon. They ran over to daddy and knocked him down. "OK. OK. I missed you boys too. Haha." "Oh that's right. Your birthday is next month Zel. Is there anything you would like?" "Oh don't worry Kairi. I'm fine." "Ok then we will have to surprise you."

Once I got up I told Kairi the plan to go to the park and was planning on all of us going. "Yeah ok. That sounds great. A break for me." "Oh where is Ada?" "Oh I saw her, Hazel and the kids leave with her. Don't worry she is still around. I'm sure she is showing them how to do things."

It was finally time to go to the park, Kiran had both babies on his back in a holder. Kairi came with Kiran. The kids were there with Ada and Hazel. Kane met them there as well. "Ok now everyone is here, lets introduce ourselves." Said Kairi. Then Kiran spoke up. "Well you already know most of our names but we can reintroduce ourselves. I'm Kiran. This is my wife Kairi and my boys Ciel with the red hair and Titus with the white hair. Ciel is the younger twin." "Nice you meet you young lady and little boys." Then Kane Talon Hazel introduced themselves. "Well my name is Lotus. Lotus Oak. My students call me Master. Before I took these kids in I had a few others but it didn't turn out so great. These two are the only ones that seemed to stay. When I saw the fire I had to jump in and see what I could to help and found these kids and had to help them somehow. Kids I didn't tell you this but, these metal parts I put on you is what is keeping you alive. So Ryz. Keep taking care of yourself and your sister ok? I know you're the younger brother and she is the older sister, but you know how to make the parts. Do your best ok?" OH I forgot to tell you what master looked like. He has purple hair and green eyes. He is human. He has slightly tan skin. More peachy than tan though. His hair used to be long but he cut it. He also is a cyborg because of the way he came back. Only half of his body needed it. His left side. His left arm leg and from his chest to his stomach. Other than that he is normal. So they talked and visited. Kiran let the boys run around but they wanted to climb over master for some reason. "Haha. Oh kids what are we going to do with you." Said Kiran. "Sorry about this sir." "Oh its fine. It doesn't bother me. I used to have kids myself. Twins to be exact. A boy and a girl. The boy was named Winter he had white hair. My daughter was named Petal. My wife's name was Gaia. They died a long time ago." "Oh I am so sorry." Said Zel. "Its ok. Like I said it happened a long time ago. It was my fault so…Maybe I'll talk about it someday. My twins were 10 years old when they and their mother died." When Zel heard that she had wide eyes and shook. "Hey sis. You ok?" said Ryz. "Y-yeah I will be. Its just you were 10 when mom and dad died in the fire." "Yes I was but we are ok now sis. Its been 4 years since then. We are ok. Look where we are now? We have a new family and new friends and old. We will be ok. I can't promise but we will be ok for now alright sis?" He gave Zel a hug. He was taller than she was and looked older than 14 but he was and his sister is 16. She will be turning 17 in the month coming up.