I've been completely had.
I’m sure Rosanna calculated this stunt. She probably had Cyrus wait nearby with the excuse that she wanted to have a chat with me alone. She must have been watching me, waiting for me to be alone.
I really should have seen this coming.
Being caught with my hand outstretched in the direction Rosanna fell, I’m sure it looks as though I pushed her down.
"Lillian, Lillian are you alright?!"
"Y-yes, I think…"
I did expect Rosanna to do *something* but I never expected her to do something so drastic.
She fell down the stairs on her own accord!
I don't understand what's going through her head, nor do I understand why she decided to do something so dangerous.
Besides that…
That's my body!!!
What on earth does she think she's doing in someone else's body?!
Doesn't she understand just how frail that body is?!
Is it because she spent most of her time in such a healthy body that she thinks she can survive doing something so dangerous?!