I stare at the small window that would lead to the driver’s seat, my eyes focusing sharply on it.
We just finished shopping for gifts, the last one that I’ve bought, a precious teddy bear with a soft beige color and a beautiful sunset orange ribbon now sitting in a box that has been tied to the top of the carriage.
I blink and look up at Phoenix who is raising an eyebrow at me. “Oh, um, yes, Brother?” I ask and squash the urge to simply cringe at the tone of my own voice.
That sounded far too stiff, Lillian.
“You’re going to burn a hole right through to the driver’s seat. Also, I’ve cast the spell, no one can hear us if you want to talk about how we left that store in a hurry.” he tells me.
I frown. “I didn’t mean to be in so much of a hurry… It’s just…”
“You’re worried about the man who approached your personal maid?”
I nod my head.
“Was he that alarming?” Phoenix raises an eyebrow. “Sure I was a little curious, but they only seemed to talk.”