Chapter 28

"Squeak!" The tiny little mouse cries on top of my palm.

I stare at the little thing, in awe of its red and orange fur, and its cutest sparkly eyes.

Clearly, this is no ordinary mouse.

"You like him that much? You've been holding him for over ten minutes now." Phoenix asks and I can't help but nod my head enthusiastically.

"I love him!" I cry as I bring the familiar closer. "He is the most adorable little thing I have ever met!"

The little mouse allows me to rub my cheek against it and squeaks almost gleefully.

It melts my heart just to hold him.

Phoenix calls his familiar Tobias.

I immediately dubbed him Toby, much to his dismay earlier.

He couldn't quite protest when Toby also seemed to like the nickname.

"Alright, alright, that's enough, give him back." Phoenix demands.

Sadly, I hand sweet Toby back to him with a wistful sigh.