Dirty Secrets


Malik was at the bar, chatting it up with some of his guests when all the sudden he saw Byron in front of him. The next thing he knew, the bones in his cheek and nose shattered. He growled as the pain of them healing was greater than the blow itself. He straightened himself and waved off the bouncers. “It’s alright, I’ll handle this.” He turned and looked at Vanessa who was clumsily pushing her way through the gawking crowd, then back to Byron. “You and me, outside.”

He grabbed Byron by the throat and dragged him outside. Vanessa and Rylie were desperately trying to follow, but Malik made it so they couldn’t find them. He shapeshifted into fog and raised Byron to the roof of the building, slamming him on the ground. “Are you trying to get yourself killed, Owens?”

“It’s a shit deal and you know it! I didn’t ask to be saved that day!” Byron coughed as he got to his feet.