Chapter 13 - It's the Little Things

Morning came way too early for Kerry Underwood. The wine headache she suffered didn’t make her want to open her eyes anytime soon, either. A bright sliver of light peeked through the crack of the curtains covering her window, urging her to her feet. She dragged the pillow over her head, choosing to ignore it. The crinkling sound of a plastic bag, however, irritated her hearing until she tossed the pillow to the side and sat up, glaring around the room for whatever made the cursed noise.

On her dresser sat a small man, smaller than leprechauns even, with dark brown skin and long, pointy ears that stuck straight out the side of his bald head. His bony legs dangled over the edge of the dresser as with tiny, sinewy hands he reached into the bag of chocolates Arden brought her last night, pulling out another piece and popping it past his dark, thin lips into his mouth. He just stared at Kerry as he chewed, his beady, dark eyes blinking every once in a while.