Chapter 18 - It's the Little Things

Arden was too far away to stop the punch from happening. Paddy stumbled to the side as Quinn stood there shaking his hand. Paddy stood straight again, his lips twisted into a sneer as he doubled back to take his shot at Quinn. Arden reached the man just before he could swing, however, and stopped him, grabbing his arm and spinning him around to face him. The cluricaun twirled in the air, his feet coming off the ground, as Arden’s much larger size also held a greater strength. “What’s the story horse?” Arden demanded to know. He turned to Quinn. “I thought you were at Thirst?”

Quinn didn’t even look at him, instead, just glaring at Paddy. “Obviously, I left.”

“Obviously,” Arden repeated with a sigh. “And by the looks of it, you’ve done set your mind on a course of action.”

Quinn pointed a finger at Paddy, his face scrunched up in an angry scowl. “This bugger’s done stuck his nose in where it doesn’t belong, and I intend to take his nose off his bloody face.”