Chapter 20 - It's the Little Things

The gold was gone. Gone. Arden fought not to throw up as he left the vault and entered the bank proper again. Kerry clung to him, but he doubted it had to do with the magic, and more like she tried to support him with what he just discovered. He drew upon her strength as he left Gerst standing in the middle of the bank, wondering what everyone was even doing there.

As he stepped out into the dark night, he doubled over, hands on his knees as he took several deep breaths to steady his nerves. He felt Kerry’s hand on his back as she silently offered her support. Quinn stood to the side, wringing his hands as he stared off into the night.

The gold was gone. Paddy somehow managed to sneak in and get it out without anyone being any the wiser, and the maggot did it right under their noses. How would Arden ever be able to salvage this?

“We need to call the Elders back home?” Quinn said, his tone soft, shaky. “Perhaps they’ll know what to do.”