Chapter 22 - It's the Little Things

Everyone stood in front of the corner door at the bank, staring at the doorknob, worried about putting the gold back in the vault. What if Paddy was playing another illusion on them? Arden glanced over to where the cluricaun dangled between Ruck and Gerst, Ruck taking it upon himself to jerk the tiny man every chance he got. Good thing we haven’t turned him in just yet. Arden glanced around at the rest of the gathered group. He had sent Quinn after Police Chief Sebastian Thayer and Seraphine, both of which were there now. Sebastian wasn’t too happy about being left out of the loop, but gargoyles could be a surly bunch to begin with. Seraphine just stood there beside Kerry, smiling sweetly. Arden believed Seraphine deserved to be there because she was the one who helped him find Underwood Investigations—and Kerry, who now stood there beside him offering him her support and encouragement.