Chapter 40 - To Trick the Devil

When Jackson left Seraphine’s Disguise, he feared he wouldn’t reach Meredith in time, that she would forfeit the deal, allowing Lucifer to take her back to Hell with him. He hadn’t run so hard in his four centuries of living, trying to reach her before she made the biggest mistake of her life, before she sacrificed herself and he lost her forever. He hadn’t even realized he was worried about losing her until he talked to Seraphine. Now, it was a constant in his mind.

“What did we just do?” Meredith asked no one in particular as she hugged herself, pacing back and forth in Jackson’s living room. “We can’t possibly turn Seraphine over to Lucifer. Why did we even agree to it?” She spun on Jackson, glaring. “Do you have any idea what he’ll do to her down there? The torture he’d inflict on her? Why did you say we’d give her to him?”