Chapter 48 - April's Fool

Wyatt Compton’s body still shook as he sat in the passenger seat of his grandfather’s car as they tried to make up time and catch up with the rest of Professor Compton’s Phantom Circus. Wyatt still had no clue what he saw last night, but the image left him shaking and sleepless. Was it a ghost? One of the phantoms from the circus playing some sort of prank on him? But then, what was with all the screaming? He shuddered, squirming in his seat a little at the memory. Needless to say, he was more than happy to be out of that trailer and back on the road, leaving behind whatever the hell that was he saw last night. At least the circus was normal. Well, as normal as possible for a paranormal circus.

“You seem a little more pensive than usual,” Wyatt’s grandfather said from the driver’s seat. “Not really a good look for a clown, you know? Where’s that merriment and jovial conversation I’ve come to enjoy on these trips?”