Chapter 50 - April's Fool

Wyatt settled back in the camp chair, a fresh cup of coffee in his hand, as he stared up at the stars dotting the night sky. The crackling flames of the fire in front of him coaxing him into a calm, relaxed state of mind, something he desperately needed after the day he had. His back ached from all the manual labor today, moving the equipment, setting up the rides, booths, and the giant circus tent. It didn’t matter that he was Chester’s grandson; everyone pitched in when it came to setting up and tearing down, even Chester. Since they were there during Black Hollow Academy’s spring break, Principal Damien Boogey allowed the circus to use the school’s parking lot as a base camp, so they wouldn’t clog up traffic around the roundabout. Early in the morning, everyone from the circus would walk down to the center of town, and the fun would begin. Tonight, however, all Wyatt wanted to do was sit back, sip some coffee, and relax.