Chapter 53 - April's Fool

April stepped across the street, tossing her cardboard cup into the nearest trash receptacle as she did, Reina beside her chattering on about her night. “I’m telling you, April, if you ever get a chance to go home with two ogres, do it,” Reina said. “I’m telling you; size does matter.” She giggled as she stepped up onto the curb at the gate to Professor Compton’s Phantom Circus.

April shook her head, forcing a smile onto her face as she looked around for the man she visited a couple of nights ago in her banshee form. The roundabout, usually a quaint, quiet bastion of tranquility, was now a frantic turmoil of kids on too much sugar and parents already worn out. She even saw a capuchin monkey scampering across the grounds, hopping off toward a row of trailers off to the side. Who she didn’t see, however, was the young man with the dying...