Chapter 57 - April's Fool

April slid into Hell’s Brew more than eager for her morning latte. She needed it after the restless night she spent in bed. She couldn’t get the look on Wyatt’s face out of her mind when Misha told him she wouldn’t help him save his grandfather. While April understood the reaper’s reasoning, she couldn’t help but wonder if in this case Misha might not have made an exception. After all, April had already told Wyatt what her keening was about, so why not help the man out?

April sighed as she stepped up to the counter. She still wanted to help Wyatt, but just didn’t know how.

“What will it be?” Shelby asked as she tucked a strand of her strawberry-blond hair behind her ear. “And why so glum? School’s out for a week. I thought you’d be ecstatic.”

“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?” April said with another sigh. Then she perked up a little, realizing who stood in front of her. “Shelby, do demons know when someone will die?”