Chapter 61 - April's Fool

April stared at the body under the broken beams, the blood trickling into Chester’s gray hair, the top hat lying upside down just a few feet away. She jerked her attention to Wyatt, but he was already sprinting across the ground, shoving his way past the audience rushing to get out of the collapsing tent. Without thought, she followed, wanting to be by his side when he reached his grandfather, even though she couldn’t explain the need.

“Get it off him!” a voice screamed from behind them.

April glanced up as they neared the debris, noticing the tall, thin man from the other day when the circus first arrived in Black Hollow, both hands gripping his dark hair. Panic stretched his narrow features as he stared with wide eyes at the body of Chester.

The phantoms whirled around the collapsing tent, moaning as they stirred up the air, whipping the drooping canvas into a fluttering mass.

“Oh, my god,” the man wailed, frozen in place as he stared. “Oh, my god.”