Chapter 73 - Blood Shadows

“What the hell?” Basgi squeaked as he practically hopped in his chair. “That hurts!”

“For crying out loud, would you please sit still?” Miles Lysander cocked an eyebrow, pressing his lips together as he held on to the brownie’s scrawny arm, the needle making a slight bulge under the crotchety creature’s leathery brown skin. “It only hurts because you refuse to stop moving.” Of course, the fact that the brownie was more a stick than a living being probably didn’t help matters. The needle was almost thicker than his arm.

A chuckle came from the other side of the room as Lothaire Aramastus sat there watching the other vampire drawing green blood from Basgi’s arm. “Lost your touch, Miles? The little bugger giving you some issues? Perhaps, instead of a needle, you should just sink your fangs into the miserable creature and take your ten percent that way.”